Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/158

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106 STAT. 4716 PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 to protect the waters of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta Estuary; and to help to meet such obligations as may be legally imposed upon the Central Valley Project under State or Federal law following the date of enactment of this title, including but not limited to additiontd obligations under the Federal Endangered Species Act. For the purpose of this section, the term "Central Valley I*roject jdeld means the delivery capability of the Central Valley Project during the 1928-1934 drought period after fishery, water Quality, and other flow and operational requirements imposed by terms and conditions existing in licenses, permits, and other agreements pertaining to the Central Valley Project under applicable State or Federal law existing at the time of enactment of this title have been met. (A) Such quantity of water shall be in addition to the (quantities needed to implement paragraph 3406(d)(l) of this title and in addition to all water allocated pursuant to paragraph (23) of this subsection for release to the Trinity River for the purposes of fishery restoration, propagation, and maintenance; and shall be supplemented by all water that comes under the Secretary's control pursuant to subsections 3406(b)(3), 3408(h>-(i), and through other measures consistent with subparagraph 3406(b)(lKB) of this title. (B) Such quantity of water shall be managed pursuant to conditions specified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service after consultation with the Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources and in cooperation with the California Department of Fish and Game. (C) The Secretary may temporarily reduce deliveries of the quantity of water dedicated under this paragraph up to 25 percent of such total whenever reductions due to hydrologic circumstances are imposed upon a^cultural deliveries of Central Valley Project water; Provided, That such reductions shall not exceed in percentage terms the reductions imposed on agricultural service contractors; Provided furtfier, That nothing in this subsection or subsection 3406(e) shall require the Secretary to operate the project in a way that jeopardizes human health or safety. (D) If the quantity of water dedicated under this paragraph, or any portion thereof, is not needed for the purposes of this section, based on a finding by the Secretary, the Secretary is authorized to make such water available for other project purposes. (3) develop and implement a program in coordination and in conformance with the plan required under paragraph (1) of this subsection for the acquisition of a water supply to supplement the quantity of water dedicated to fish and wildlife purposes under paragraph (2) of this subsection and to fulfill the Secretary's obligations under paragraph 3406(d)(2) of this title. The program should identify how the Secretary intends to utilize, in particular the following options: improvemento in or modifications of the operations of the project; water banking; conservation; transfers; coi\junctive use; and temporary and permanent land fallowing, including purchase, lease, and option of water, water rights, and associated agricultural land.