Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/276

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note. 106 STAT. 4834 PUBLIC LAW 102-580—OCT. 31, 1992 (A) DESCRIPTION.— Water reuse projects for the city of Santa Rosa, California, to treat waste water and store such treated water for the purposes of providing new water supplies for agriculture, municipal, environmental, and other purposes and reducing the use of potable water supplies for purposes where treated waste water is a viable substitute. (B) COOPERATION. —The Secretary shall carry out this paragraph in cooperation with the city of Santa Rosa, CaUfomia, and other appropriate authorities. (4) MONTEREY COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. — (A) DESCRIPTION. — Reduction of salt water intrusion into aquifers in the vicinity of Castroville, California, for the purposes of improving the water quality of Monterey Bay and enhancing long-term water supply in the area. (B) COOPERATION.—The Secretary shall carry out this paragraph in cooperation with the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000. Such sums shall remain available until expended. 43 USC 390h-5 SEC. 218. DEMONSTRATION OF WASTE WATER TECHNOLOGY, SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AND SAN JOSE, CALIFOR- NIA. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary, in cooperation with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is authorized to provide design and construction assistance to the Santa Clara Valley Water District in San Jose, California, and to the city of San Jose, California, for demonstrating and field testing public use innovative processes which advance the technology of waste water reuse and treatment and which promote the use of treated waste water for critical water supply purposes and for the protection of fish and wildlife in the San Francisco Bay. All design, construction, and comprehensive health effects studies shall be carried out by non-Federal interests. (b) PURPOSES OF ASSISTANCE.— Assistence may be provided under this section— (1) for the design and construction of an innovative nonpotable waste water reuse treatment facility with distribution systems; (2) for the design and construction of an innovative potable waste water reuse pilot plant; (3) for implementation of a comprehensive health effects study of the performance of the potable waste water reuse pilot plant; and (4) after the pilot plant is constructed and is operational, for the design and construction of a potable waste water reuse project, along with integration of the additional potable processes into the existing nonpoteble facilities, and the extension of the distribution systems to groimdwater recharge areas, if the Secretary, in cooperation with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, determines that the established public health reqmrements and water quality goals and objectives are being met by the pilot plant, the public health