Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/396

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106 STAT. 4954 PUBLIC LAW 102-585 —NOV. 4, 1992 as conforming appropriately to standards for activities carried out under this section. '^D) A veteran's receipt of payment as a result of participation in a program described in subparagraph (C). "(3) A distribution of funds made under this section and a payment made to a veteran under a program of rehabilitative services described in paragraph (2)(C) shall be considered for the purposes of chapter 15 of this title to be a donation from a public or private reliefer welfare organization.". SEC. 402. PERMANENT AUTHORITY TO MAKE GRANTS TO STATES RELATING TO STATE HOBfE& Section 8133(a) is amended in the first sentence by striking out "through September 30, 1992". SEC. 403. EXTENSION OF PERIOD FOR COMPLETION OF CONDI- TIONALLY APPROVED APPLICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION. (a) EXTENSION OF PERIOD.— Section 8135(b)(6)(A) is amended by striking out '^ days" and inserting in lieu thereof "180 days". 38 USC 8135 (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to projects that are conditionally approved after September 30, 1992. note. SEC. 404. LIMITED PROHIBITION ON OBLIGATION OF FUNDS FOR RESCINDED PROJECTS. (a) PROHIBITION. —Section 8135(b)(6)(B) is amended by adding at the end the following: "In the event the Secretary rescinds conditional approval of a project under this subparagraph, the Secretary may not further obligate funds for the project during the fiscal year in which the Secretary rescinds such approval.". 38 USC 8135 (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made by subsection (a) ^°^- shall apply to rescissions of conditional approval of projects after the date of the enactment of this Act. ) SEC. 40S. COMMENCEMENT DATE FOR RECAPTURE PERIOD. (a) COMMENCEMENT DATE. —Section 8136 is amended by striking out "If, within 20 years after completion of any project" and inserting in lieu thereof "If, within the 20-year period beginning on the date of the approval by the Secretary of the final architectural and engineering inspection of any project". (b) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Such section is further amended by striking out "such facilities cease" and inserting in lieu thereof "the facilities covered by the project cease". SEC. 406. COMMENCEMENT DATE FOR PAYMENT OF PER DIEM. Section 1741 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(e) Subject to section 1743 of this title, the payment of per diem for care furnished in a State home facility shall commence on the date of the completion of the inspection for recognition of the facility under section 1742(a) of this title if the Secretary determines, as a result of that inspection, that the State home meets the standards described in such section.".