Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/552

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106 STAT. 5110 PUBLIC LAW 102-588—NOV. 4, 1992 (12) Replacement of Central Plant Chilled Water Equipment, Johnson Space Center, $4,000,000. (13) Restoration of Underground Communications Distribution System, Stennis Space Center, $2,200,000. (14) Restpr^tion/Modemization of Electrical Distribution System, Goddard Space Flight Center, $4,500,000. (15) Modernization of Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Complex, Ames Research Center, $8,000,000. (16) Modifications to 14- by 22-foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel, Langley Research Center, $2,200,000. (17) Repair and Modernization of the 12-foot Pressure Wind Tunnel, Ames Research Center, $21,400,000. (18) Rehabilitation of Icing Research Tunnel, Lewis Research Center, $2,700,000. (19) Modernization of 16-foot Transonic Tunnel, Langley Research Center, $3,600,000. (20) Rehabilitation of Central Air System, Lewis Research Center, $12,200,000. (21) Construction of 34-meter Multifrequen^ Antenna, Canberra, Australia, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, $15,600,000. (22) Construction of 34-meter Multifrequency Antenna, Madrid, Spain, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, $16,200,000. (23) Restoration and Modernization of Infrared Telescope Facility, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, $2,000,000. (24) Construction of Earth Observing System Data Information System Facility, Goddard Space Flight Center, $22,300,000. (25) Construction of Advanced Solid Rocket Motor Facilities (various locations), $165,000,000. (26) Repair of facilities at various locations, not in excess of $1,000,000 per project, $31,900,000. (27) Rehabilitation and modification of facilities at various locations, not in excess of $1,000,000 per project, $34,000,000. (28) Minor construction of new facilities and ad<htions to existing facilities at various locations, not in excess of $750,000 per project, $14,000,000. (29) Environmental Compliance and Restoration Program, $40,000,000. (30) Facility Planning and Design, $26,700,000. Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) through (30), the total amount authorized to be appropriated under this subsection shall not exceed $479,200,000. (d) RESEARCH AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT.There are authorized to be appropriated to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to become available October 1, 1992, for "Research and Program Management" $1,654,000,000. (e) INSPECTOR GENERAL. —There are authorized to be appropriated to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to become available October 1, 1992, for "Inspector General" $15,900,000. (f) REPORTS ON NEW LAUNCH SYSTEM AND EXPENDABLE LAUNCH VEHICLES. —<1) Within 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator") shall submit to Congress a report setting forth requirements for a New Launch System, including—