Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/773

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PROCLAMATION 6449--JUNE 22, 1992 106 STAT. 5331 cial considerations such as price, quality, availability, delivery, and terms of payment. 3. Neither Party shall require or encourage its nationals or companies to engage in barter or countertrade transactions with nationals or companies of the other Party. Nevertheless, where nationals or companies decide to resort to barter or countertrade operations, the Parties will encourage them to furnish to each other all necessary information to facilitate the transaction. Article in—Expansion and Promotion of Trade 1. The Parties affirm their desire to expand trade in products and services consistent with the terms of this Agreement. They shall take appropriate measures to encourage and facilitate the exchange of goods and services and to secure favorable conditions for long-term development of trade relations between their respective nationals and companies. 2. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to encourage the expansion of commercial contacts with a view to increasing trade. In this regard, the Government of Romania expects that, during the term of this Agreement, nationals and companies of Romania shall increase their orders in the United States for products and services, while the Government of the United States anticipates that the effect of this Agreement shall be to encourage increased purchases by nationals and companies of the United States of products and services from Romania. Toward this end, the Parties shall publicize this Agreement and ensure that it is made available to all interested parties. 3. Each Party shall encourage and facilitate the holding of trade promotional events such as fairs, exhibitions, missions and seminars in its territory and in the territory of the other Party. Similarly, each Party shall encourage and facilitate the participation of its respective nationals and companies in such events. Each Party shall permit participation in such events by commercial representations on nondiscriminatory terms and conditions. Subject to the laws in force within their respective territories, the Parties agree to allow the import and re-ex- port on a duty free basis of all articles for use in such events, provided that such articles are not sold or otherwise transferred. Article IV—Government Commercial Offices 1. In order to promote the development of trade and economic relations between Uie Parties, and to provide assistance to their nationals and companies engaged in commercial activities, each Party agrees to permit and facilitate the establishment and operation of Government commercial offices of the other Party on a reciprocal basis. The establishment and operation of such o^ices shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and subject to such terms, conditions, privileges, and immunities as may be agreed upon by the Parties. 2. Government commercial ofTices and their respective officers and staff members, to the extent that they enjoy diplomatic immunity, shall