Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/216

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107 STAT. 190 PUBLIC LAW 103-43—JUNE 10, 1993 " (k) GENERAL PROVISIONS. — "(1) FOUNDATION INTEGRITY.— The members of the Board shall be accountable for the integrity of the operations of the Foundation and shall ensure such integrity through the development and enforcement of criteria and procedures relating to standards of conduct (including those developed xmder subsection (d)(2)(B)(i)(II)), financial disclosure statements, conflict of interest rules, recusal and waiver rules, audits and other matter determined appropriate by the Board. "(2) FINANCIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.— Any individual who is an officer, employee, or member of the Board of the Foundation may not (in accordance with policies and requirements developed under subsection (d)(2)(B)(i)(II)) personally or substantially participate in the consideration or determination by the Foundation of any matter that would directly or predictably affect any financial interest of the individual or a relative (as such term is defined in section 109(16) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978) of the individual, of any business organization or other entity, or of which the individual is an officer or employee, or is negotiating for employment, or in which the individual has any other financial interest. "(3) AUDITS; AVAILABILITY OF RECORDS.—The Foundation shall— "(A) provide for annual audits of the financial condition of the Foundation; and "(B) make such audits, and all other records, documents, and other papers of the Foundation, available to the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States for examination or audit. " (4) REPORTS.— "(A) Not later than 5 months following the end of each fiscal year, the Foundation shall publish a report describing the activities of the Foundation during the preceding fiscal year. Each such report shall include for the fiscal year involved a comprehensive statement of the operations, activities, financial condition, and accomplishments of the Foundation. "(B) With respect to the finsincial condition of the Foundation, each report under subparagraph (A) shall include the source, and a description of, all gifts or grsints to the Foundation of real or personal property, and the source and amount of all gifts or grants to the Foundation of money. Each such report shall include a specification of any restrictions on the purposes for which gifts or grants to the Foundation may be used. "(C) The Foundation shall make copies of each report submitted under subparagraph (A) available for public inspection, and shall upon request provide a copy of the report to any individual for a charge not exceeding the cost of providing the copy. "(D) The Board shall annually hold a public meeting to summarize the activities of the Foundation and distribute written reports concerning such activities and the scientific results derived from such activities. " (5) SERVICE OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES. — Federal employees may serve on committees advisory to the Foundation and otherwise cooperate with and assist the Foundation in carrying