Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/263

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PUBLIC LAW 103-48—JULY 2, 1993 107 STAT. 237 title to, any base land included in a final list and described in a confirmatory document of disclaimer of interest. (3) Neither the Secretary of the Interior nor the Secretary of Agriculture shall be required to inspect any lands included on a final list nor to inform any member of the public regarding the condition of such lands prior to the issuance of any confirmatory document of disclaimer of interest required by this subsection, and nothing in this Act shall be construed as afTecting any valid rights with respect to lands covered by a confirmatory document of disclaimer of interest issued pursuant to this subsection that were in existence on the date of issuance of such confirmatory document of disclaimer of interest. (4) For purposes of this Act, the term "document of disclaimer of interest" means a memorandum or other document, however styled or described, that references the quitclaim made by subsection (a) of this section and that meets the requirements for recordation established by applicable laws of the State in which the lands to which such document refers are located. (f) WAIVER OF CERTAIN CLAIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES.— Any person or entity accepting the benefits of this Act or failing to act to seek such benefits within the time allotted by this Act with respect to any base or other lands shall be deemed to have waived any claims against the United States, its agents or contractors, with respect to such lands, or with respect to any revenues received by the United States from such lands prior to the date of enactment of this Act. All non-Federal, third party rights granted by the United States with respect to base lands shall remain effective subject to the terms and conditions of the authorizing document. The United States may reserve any rights-of-way currently occupied or used for Government purposes. SEC. 3. OTHER CLAIMS. (a) JURISDICTION AND DEADLINE. —(1) Subject to the requirements and limitations of this section, a party claiming right, title, or interest in or to land vested in the United States by section 2(c)(2) of this Act may file in the United States Claims Court a claim against the United States seeking compensation based on such vesting. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Claims Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such claim. (2) A claim described in paragraph (1) shall be barred unless the petition thereon is filed within 1 year after the date of publication of a final list pursuant to section 2(d) of this Act. (3) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing any claim to be brought in any court other than a claim brought in the United States Claims Court based upon the vesting of right, title, and interest in and to the United States made by section 2(c)(2) of this Act. (b) LIMITATIONS, DEFENSES, AND AWARDS. —(1) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as diminishing any existing right, title, or interest of the United States in any lands covered by section 2(c), including but not limited to any such right, title, or interest established by the Act of July 6, 1960 (74 Stat. 334). (2) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as precluding or limiting any defenses or claims (including but not limited to defenses based on applicable statutes of limitations, affirmative defenses relating to fraud or speculative practices, or claims by