Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/293

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PUBLIC LAW 103-50—JULY 2, 1993 CHAPTER XI ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—CIVIL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL Using funds heretofore appropriated in Public Law 102-377, the Chief of Engineers, United States Army Corps of Engineers, is directed to use $750,000 to undertake work on the Cliff Walk, Rhode Island, project as provided in the Conference Report accompanying H.R. 5373 (Public Law 102-377). ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISION Using funds heretofore appropriated under "Construction, general", the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to augment, reprogram, transfer or apply such additional sums as necessary to continue construction and cover anticipated contract earnings on any project which received an appropriation or allowance within the appropriation in fiscal year 1993 in order to avoid terminating any contracts and to avoid schedule delays. CHAPTER XII GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 1201. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided herein. SEC. 1202. (a) ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. —Section 1(a) of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Architect of the Capitol to acquire certain property", approved August 3, 1992, is amended to read as follows: "(a) ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. —(1) The Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, may acquire, on behalf of the United States Government, by purchase, condemnation, transfer or otherwise, as an addition to the United States Capitol Grounds, such real property in the District of Columbia as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Real property acquired for purposes of this Act, may, in the discretion of the Architect of the Capitol, extend to the outer face of the curbs of such property so acquired, including alleys or parts of alleys and streets within the lot lines and curblines surrounding such real property, together with any or all improvements thereon. "(2) Subject to the approval by the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, an amount necessary to enable the Architect of the Capitol to carry out the provisions of this section may be transferred from any appropriation under the heading 'SENATE' and the subheadings 'SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES', and 'OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS AND DOORKEEPER', and the subheadings 'CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE SENATE' and 'SER- 107 STAT. 267 40 USC 174b-l note. District of Columbia.