Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/797

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PUBLIC LAW 103-79—AUG. 13, 1993 107 STAT. 771 (A) what the specific mission of each medical center operated by the Secretary in the Chesapecike network should be to achieve within that network— (i) effective planning; (ii) reduction in duplication of services and programs in the same geographic area; (iii) realignment of services among facilities within each network; (iv) improved means of resource distribution; and (v) more efficient delivery of needed services; (B) whether there is a need for expansion and modernization of the nursing home care unit at the medical center at Fort Howard, Maryland; and (C) what effect the construction of nursing home beds in Baltimore, Maryland, as proposed in the President's budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 1994, would have for the missions of each of the other medical centers operated by the Secretary in the Chesapeake network. (2) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment Reports. of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans Affairs of the Senate and House a report on the study under paragraph (1). The Secretary shall include in the report a statement of each determination made by the Secretary under that paragraph. SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) IN GENERAL.—There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 1994— (1) $143,100,000 for the m£gor medical facility projects authorized in paragraphs (1) through (5) of section 101(a) and such sums as may be necessary for the project described in section 101(a)(6), but not to exceed $14,500,000 in the case of construction of nursing home beds in Baltimore, Maryland, as proposed in the President's budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 1994; and (2) $50,123,105 for the mcgor medical facility leases authorized in section 101(a). (b) LIMITATION.—The projects authorized in section 101 may only be carried out using— (1) funds appropriated for fiscal year 1994 pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in subsection (a); (2) fluids appropriated for Construction, Msgor Projects for a fiscal year before fiscal year 1994 that remain available for obligation; and (3) funds appropriated for Construction, Mcgor Projects for fiscal year 1994 for a category of activity not specific to a project. SEC. 3. INCREASE IN AMOUNT OF FACILITY PROJECT THRESHOLD. (a) Section 8104(a)(3)(A) of title 38, United States Code, is amended by striking out "$2,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$3,000,000". (b) Section 8109(i)(2) of such title is amended by striking out "$2,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$3,000,000".