Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/800

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107 STAT. 774 PUBLIC LAW 103-80—AUG. 13, 1993 "(ii) During the 12-nioiith period after the applicable date referred to in this sentence, the requirements of subparagraphs (1) and (2) shall not apply to any food product which was first introduced into interstate commerce before May 8, 1994, if the labeling for such product does not provide nutrition information or make a claim subject to paragraph (r), if such person provided the notice described in subdause uii), and if— "(I) during the 12-month period preceding May 8, 1994, the person who claims for such product an exemption from such subparagraphs employed fewer than an average of 300 full-time equivalent employees and fewer than 600,000 units of such product were sold in the United States, "(11) during the 12-month period preceding May 8, 1995, the person who claims for sudi product an exemption from such subparagraphs employed fewer than an average of 300 full-time equivalent employees and fewer than 400,000 units of such product were sold in Ihe United States, or "(III) during the 12-month period preceding May 8, 1996, the person who claims for such product an exemption from such subparagraphs employed fewer than an average of 200 full-time eauivalent employees and fewer than 200,000 units of such product were sold in the United States. "(iii) The notice referred to in subclauses (i) and (ii) shall be given to the Secretary prior to the beginning of the period during which the exemption under subclause (i) or (ii) is to be in effect, shall state that the person claiming such exemption for a food product has complied with the applicable requirements of subclause (i) or (ii), and snail— "(I) state the average number of full-time equivalent employees such person employed during the 12 months preceding the date such person claims such exemption, "(II) state the approximate number of units the person claiming the exemption sold in the United States, "(III) if the exemption is claimed for a food product which was sold in the 12-month period preceding the period for which the exemption was claimed, state the approximate number of units of such product which were sold in the United States during such preceding period, and, if the exemption is claimed for aroodproduct which was not sold in such preceding period, state the number of units of such product which such person reasonably anticipates will be sold in the United States during the period for which the exemption was claimed, and "(IV) contain such information as the Secretary may require to verify the information required by the preceding provisions of this subclause if the Secretary has questioned the validity of such information. If a person is not an importer, has fewer them 10 full-time equivalent employees, and sells fewer than 10,000 units of any food product in any yecur, such person is not required to file a notice for such product under this subclause for such year. "(iv) In the case of a person who claimed an exemption under subclause (i) or (ii), if, during the period of such exemption, the number of full-time equivalent employees of such person exceeds the number in such subclause or if the number of food products sold in the United States exceeds the number in such subclause, such exemption shall extend to the expiration of 18 months after