Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/837

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PUBLIC LAW 103-82—SEPT. 21, 1993 107 STAT. 811 "(B) not more than 3 years if the individual is enrolled in an institute of higher education while preforming all or a portion of the service. "(3) REDUCTION IN HOURS OF PART-TIME SERVICE.— The Corporation may reduce the number of hours required to be served to successfully complete p£urt-time national service to a level determined by the Corporation, except that any reduction in the required term of service shall include a corresponding reduction in the amount of any national service educational award that may be available under subtitle D with regard to that service. "(c) RELEASE FROM COMPLETING TERM OF SERVICE. — "(1) RELEASE AUTHORIZED.—A recipient of assistance under section 121 or a program sponsoring an approved national service position may release a participant from completing a term of service in the position— "(A) for compelling personal circumstances as demonstrated by the participant; or "(B) for cause. "(2) EFFECT OF RELEASE FOR COMPELLING CIR- CUMSTANCES.—If a participant eligible for release under paragraph (I)(A) is serving in an approved national service position, the recipient of assistance under section 121 or a program sponsoring an approved national service position may elect— "(A) to grant such release and provide to the participant that portion of the national service educational award corresponding to the portion of the term of service actually completed, as provided in section 147(c); or "(B) to permit the participant to temporarily suspend performance of the term of service for a period of up to 2 years (and such additional period as the Corporation may allow for extenuating circumstances) and, upon completion of such period, to allow return to the program with which the individual was serving in order to complete the remainder of the term of service and obtain the entire national service educational award. "(3) EFFECT OF RELEASE FOR CAUSE.— A participant released for cause may not receive any portion of the national service educational award. "SEC. 140. LIVING ALLOWANCES FOR NATIONAL SERVICE PARTICI- 42 USC 12594. PANTS. "(a) PROVISION OF LIVING ALLOWANCE.— "(1) LIVING ALLOWANCE REQUIRED. —Subject to paragraph (3), a national service program carried out using assistance provided under section 121 shall provide to each participant who participates on a full-time basis in the program a living allowance in an amount equal to or greater than the average annual subsistence allowance provided to VISTA volunteers under section 105 of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4955). "(2) LIMITATION ON FEDERAL SHARE. —The amount of the annual living allowance provided under paragraph (1) that may be paid using assistance provided under section 121 and using any other Federal funds shall not exceed 85 percent of the total average annual provided to VISTA volunteers under