Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/860

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107 STAT. 834 PUBLIC LAW 103-82—SEPT. 21, 1993 tions to pay for the Federal share of the implementation, operation, expansion, or replication of community-based service programs. "(b) USE OF FUNDS. — "(1) STATE COMMISSIONS AND GRANTMAKING ENTITIES. — A State Commission or grantmaking entity may use a grant made under subsection (a)— "(A) to make a grant to a qualified organization to implement, operate, expand, or replicate a community- based service program that provides tor meaningful human, educational, environmental, or public safety service by participants, who shall be school-age youth; or "(a) to provide training and technical assistance to such an organization. "(2) QUALIFIED ORGANIZATIONS.— A qualified organization, other than a grantmaking entity, may use a grant made under subsection (a) to implement, operate, expand, or replicate a program described in paragraph (I)(A). 42 USC 12543. «SEC. 117B. STATE APPLICATIONS. "(a) IN GENERAL.—To be eligible to receive a grant under section 117A(a), a State Commission shall prepare, submit to the Corporation, and obtain approval of, an application. " (b) SUBMISSION.—Such application shall be submitted to the Corporation at such time ana in such manner, and shall contain such information, as the Chief Executive Ofi[icer may reasonably require. "(c) CONTENTS.—Such an application shall include, at a minimum, a State plan that contains the information and assurances described in section 117C(d) with respect to each community-based service program proposed to be carried out through funding distributed by the State Commission under this subpart. 42 USC 12544. "SEC. 117C. LOCAL APPLICATIONS. "(a) APPLICATION TO CORPORATION TO MAKE GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICE PROGRAMS.— To be eligible to receive a grant from the Corporation under section 117A(a) to make grants under section 117A(b)(l), a grantmaking entity shall prepare, submit to the Corporation, and obtain approval of, an application that proposes a community-based service program to be carried out tnrough grants made to qualified organizations. Such application shall be submitted at such time and in such manner, and shall contain such information, as the Chief Executive Officer may reasonably require. "(b) DIRECT APPLICATION TO CORPORATION TO CARRY OUT COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICE PROGRAMS. — TO be eligible to receive a grant from the Corporation under section 117A(a) to implement, operate, expand, or replicate a community service program, a qualified organization shall prepare, submit to the Corporation, and obtain approval of, an application that proposes a community-based service program to be carried out at miiltiple sites, or that proposes an innovative community-based service program. Such application shall be submitted at such time and in such manner, and shall contain such information, as the Chief Executive Officer may reasonably require. "(c) APPLICATION TO STATE COMMISSION OR GRANTMAKING ENTITY TO RECEIVE GRANTS TO CARRY OUT COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICE PROGRAMS. —To be eligible to receive a ^ant from a State Commission or grantmaking entity under section 117A(b)(l), a