Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/869

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PUBLIC LAW 103-82—SEPT. 21, 1993 107 STAT. 843 "(7) make recommendations to State and local entities on quality controls to improve the delivery of community service programs and on changes in the programs under this title; and

    • (8) carry out such other activities as the Chief Executive

Officer determines to be appropriate. SEC. 1»8B. PRESIDENTIAL AWARDS FOR SERVICE. 42 USC 12653b. "(a) PRESIDENTIAL AWARDS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— The President, acting through the Corporation, may make Presidential awards for service to individuals providing significant service, and to outstanding service programs. "(2) INDIVIDUALS AND PROGRAMS.— Notwithstanding section 101(19>- "(A) an individual receiving an award under this subsection need not be a participant in a program authorized under this Act; and "(B) a program receiving an award under this subsection need not be a program authorized under this Act. "(3) NATURE OF AWARD. —-In making an award under this section to an individual or program, the President, acting through the Corporation— "(A) is authorized to incur necessary expenses for the honorary recognition of the individual or program; and "(B) is not authorized to make a cash award to such individual or program. "(b) INFORMATION.—The President, acting through the Corporation, shall ensure that information concerning individuals and programs receiving awards under this section is widely disseminated. •nSEC. 198C. MILITARY INSTALLATION CONVERSION DEMONSTRATION Disadvantaged. PROGRAMS. 42 USC 12653c. "(a) PURPOSES.— The purposes of this section are to^ "(1) provide meaningful service opportunities for economically disadvantaged youth; "(2) fully utilize military installations affected by closures or realignments; "(3) encourage communities affected by such closures or realignments to convert the installations to community use; and "(4) foster a sense of community pride in the youth in the community. "(b) DEFINITIONS. —As used in this section: "(1) AFFECTED MILITARY INSTALLATION.— The term 'affected military installation' means a military installation described in section 325(e)(l) of the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1662d(e)(l)). "(2) COMMUNITY. — The term 'community' includes a county. "(3) CONVERT TO COMMUNITY USE.—The term 'convert to community use', used with respect to an affected military installation, includes— "(A) conversion of the installation or a part of the installation to— "(i) a park; " (ii) a community center; "(iii) a recreational facility; or