Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/874

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107 STAT. 848 PUBLIC LAW 103-82—SEPT. 21, 1993 42 USC 12618. of 1990 (as redesignated in subsection (b)(3) of this section) (42 U.S.C. 12653g) is amended by striking subsections (f), (g), and (h) and inserting the following new subsections:

    • (f) NATIONAL SERVICE EDUCATIONAL AWARDS.—A Corps member who successfully completes a ^riod of agreed service in the

Corps may receive the national service educational award described in subtitle D if the Corps member— "(1) serves in an approved national service position; and "(2) satisfies the eligioilit^ requirements specined in section 146 with respect to service m that approved national service position. (g) M.TERNATIVE BENEFIT. —If a Corps member who successfully completes a period of agreed service m the Corps is ineligible for the national service educational award described in subtitle D, the Director may provide for the provision of a suitable alternative benefit for the Corps member.". SEC. 105. PUBLIC LANDS CORPS. Public Law 91-378 (16 U.S.C. 1701-1706; commonly known as the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1970) is amended— (1) by inserting before section 1 the following: "TITLE I—YOUTH CONSERVATION \ CORPS; (2) by striking "Act" each place it appears and inserting "title"; 16 USC 1701- (3) by redesignating sections 1 through 6 as sections 101 ^'^^^- through 106, respectively; 16 USC 1702. (4) in section 102 (as so redesignated), by inserting "in this title" after "hereinafter" in subsection (a); 16 USC 1704. (5) in section 104 (as so redesignated), by striking "section 6" in subsection (d) and inserting "section 106; and (6) by adding at the end the following new title: "TITLE II—PUBLIC LANDS CORPS Public Lands Corps Act of 1993. Conservation.

  • nSEC. 201. SHORT TITLE.

16 USC 1701 note. "This title may be cited as the 'Public Lands Corps Act of 1993'. 16 USC 1721. •«£€. a02. CONGRESSIONAL FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. "(a) FINDINGS. —The Congress finds the following: "(1) Conserving or developing natural and cultural resources and enhancing and maintcdning environmentally important lands and waters through the use of the Nation's young men and women in a Public Lands Corps can benefit those men and women by providing them with education and work opportunities, furthering their understanding and appreciation of the natural and cultural resources, and providing a means to pay for higher education or to repay indebtedness they have incurred to obtain higher education while at the same time benefiting the Nation's economy and its environment. "(2) Many facilities and natural resources located on eligible service lands are in disrepair or degraded and in need of^ labor intensive rehabilitation, restoration, and enhancement \