Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/907

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PUBLIC LAW 103-82—SEPT. 21, 1993 107 STAT. 881 of this Act shall relieve such Chief Executive Officer of responsibility for the administration of such function. "(3) FUNCTION OF BOARD.—The Chief Executive Officer may not delegate a function of the Board without the permission of the Board. " (e) ACTIONS.—In an action described in subsection (c)(7)— "(1) a district court referred to in such subsection shall have jurisdiction of such a civil action without regard to the amount in controversy; "(2) such an action brought by the Chief Executive Officer shall survive notwithstanding any change in the person occupy- ing the office of Chief Executive Officer or any vacancy m that office; "(3) no attachment, injimction, garnishment, or other similar process, mesne or final, shall be issued against the Chief Executive Officer or the Board or property under the control of the Chief Executive Officer or the Board; and "(4) nothing in this section shall be construed to except litigation arising out of activities under this Act from the application of sections 509, 517, 547, and 2679 of title 28, iJnited States Code. "(f) EVALUATIONS.— "(1) EVALUATION OF LIVING ALLOWANCE. —The Corporation shall arrange for an independent evaluation to determine the levels of living allowances p£dd in all programs under subtitles C and I, individually, by State, and by re^on. Such evaluation shall determine the effects that such living allowances have had on the ability of individuals to participate in such programs. "(2) EVALUATION OF SUCCESS OF INVESTMENT IN NATIONAL SERVICE.— "(A) EVALUATION REQUIRED. — The Corporation shall arrange for the independent evaluation of the operation of subtitle C to determine the levels of participation of economically disadvantaged individuals in national service programs carried out or supported using assistance provided under section 121. "(B) PERIOD COVERED BY EVALUATION. —The evaluation required by this paragraph shall cover the period beginning on the date the Corporation first makes a grant under section 121, and ending on a date that is as close as is practicable to the date specified in subsection (b)(10). "(C) INCOME LEVELS OF PARTICIPANTS. — The evaluating entity shall determine the total income of each participant who serves, during the period covered by the evaluation, in a national service program carried out or supported using assistance provided under section 121 or in an approved national service position. The total income of the participant shall be determined as of the date the participant was first selected to participate in such a program and shall include family total income unless the evaluating entity determines that the participant was independent at the time of selection. (D) ASSISTANCE FOR DISTRESSED AREAS. —The evaluating entity shall also determine the amount of assistance provided under section 121 during the period covered by the report that has been expended for projects conducted in areas of economic distress described in section 133(c)(6).