Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/1010

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107 STAT. 1960 PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 TITLE XXXIII—NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE Subtitle A—Authorizations of Disposals and Use of Funds 50 USC 98d SEC. 3301. DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE AND EXCESS MATEIUALS CON- note. TAINED IN THE NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE. (a) DISPOSAL AUTHORIZED. —Subject to the conditions specified in subsection (b), the President may dispose of obsolete and excess materials currently contained in the National Defense Stockpile provided for in section 4 of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98c) in order to modernize the stockpile. The materials subject to disposal under this subsection and the 3uantity of each material authorized to be disposed of by the Presient are set forth in the following table: Authorized Stockpile Disposals Material for disposal Quantity Analgesics 53,525 pounds of anhydrous morphine alkaloid Antimony 32,140 short tons Diamond Dies, Small 25,473 pieces Manganese, Electrolytic 14,172 short tons Mica, Muscovite Block, Stained and Better 1,866,166 pounds Mica, Muscovite Film, 1st & 2d quality 158,440 pounds Mica, Muscovite Splittings 12,540,382 pounds Quinidine 2,471,287 avoirdupois ounces Quinidine, Non-Stockpile Grade 1,691 avoirdupois ounces Quinine 2,770,091 avoirdupois ounces Quinine, Non-Stockpile Grade 475,950 avoirdupois ounces Rare Earths 504 short dry tons Vanadium Pentoxide 718 short tons of contained vanadium (b) CONDITIONS ON DISPOSAL. —The authority of the President under subsection (a) to dispose of materials stored in the National Defense Stockpile may not be used unless and until the Secretary of Defense certifies to Congress that the disposal of such materials will not adversely affect the capability of the stockpile to supply the strategic and critical materials necessary to meet the needs of the United States during a period of national emergency that requires a significant level of mobilization of the economy of the United States, including any reconstitution of the military and industrial capabilities necessary to meet the planning assumptions used by the Secretary of Defense under section 14(b) of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98h-5(b)). SEC. 3302. AUTHORIZED USES OF STOCKPILE FUNDS. Subject to such limitations as may be provided in appropriations Acts, during fiscal year 1994, the National Defense Stockpile Manager may obligate up to $67,300,000 of the funds in the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund established under subsection (a) of section 9 of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling