Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/303

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PUBLIC LAW 103-123—OCT. 28, 1993 107 STAT. 1255 of and parallel to a line from the Suitland House to the existing Federal Office Building along Silver Hill Road at Randall Road. SEC. 524. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury shall implement the plan annoimced by the Bureau of the Public Debt on March 19, 1991, to consolidate such Bureau's operations in Parkersburg, West Virginia. (b) The consolidation referred to in subsection (a) shall be completed by December 31, 1995, in accordance with the plan of the Bureau of the Public Debt. SEC. 525. (a) IN GENERAL. —Notwithstanding any other provi- Maryland. sion of law, including any other law which requires that property of the United States be used for a particular purpose, the Administrator of General Services shall convey the property described in subsection (c) to the State of Maryland. (b) TERMS.—^A conveyance of property under this section shall be— (1) by quitclaim deed; (2) without monetary consideration; and (3) subject to such other terms and conditions as the Administrator determines to be appropriate. (c) PROPERTY DESCRIBED.—The property referred to in subsection (a) known as the "Chesapeake Bay Study Site" is property located in the State of Maryland, Queen Annes County, which— (1) is part of the same land which, by quitclaim deed dated August 25, 1970, and recorded among the land records of Queen Annes Coimty, Maryland, at Liber 53, Folio 200, was granted and conveyed by the State of Maryland, Maryland State Roads Commission, to the United States of America; and (2) contains 55 acres more or less according to a survey prepared by McCrone, Inc., in July 1968 and amended on May 26, 1992. SEC. 526. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to provide any non-public information such as mailing or telephone lists to any person or any organization outside of the Federal Government without the approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations. SEC. 527. The Administrator of General Services shall promptly review the need of the General Services Administration for the parcel of land which it controls and which is located at 424 Trapelo Road in the City of Waltham, Massachusetts. The Administrator shall promptly determine to be excess property so much of said parcel as is no longer required for the needs of the General Services Administration. Subject to agreement between the Administrator and the Secretary of the Army concerning such portion of the excess property as may be required for the use of the Corps of Engineers, the Administrator shall transfer such portion to the Secretary of the Army without reimbursement. The property not included in such transfer shall be determined to be surplus property and shall be available only for transfer for a public purpose under section 203(k) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 484(k)), except that an expression of interest or an application for a public purpose use under said section other than for educational purposes may not be received after 45 days from the date the Administrator determines the property to be surplus. If no transfer under section 203(k) has been made within one year after the date of such surplus determination, the Adminis-