Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/565

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PUBLIC LAW 103-152—NOV. 24, 1993 107 STAT. 1517 (1) by striking October 2, 1993" each place it appears in paragraph (1) and inserting "February 5, 1994", and (2) by striking '"(and is not triggered off under paragraph (1))" in paragraph (2) and inserting "after February 5, 1994,". (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.— The amendments made by this section 26 USC 3304 shall apply to weeks of unemployment beginning after October no^. 2, 1993. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR EMER- GENCY UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. (a) REPEAL OF DISREGARD OF RIGHTS TO REGULAR COMPENSA- TION.—Subsection (f) of section 101 of the Emergency Unemploy- ment Compensation Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-164, as amended) is hereby repealed. 26 USC 3304 (b) EFFECTIVE DATE,. —The repeal made by subsection (a) shall "°*®- apply to weeks of unemployment beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act; except that such repeal shall not apply in determining eligibility for emergency unemployment compensation from an account established before October 2, 1993. SEC. 4. WORKER PROFILING. Inter- (a) IN GENERAL. - feSrs"*^ (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROFILING SYSTEM. —Section 303 of the Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end thereof 42 USC 503. the following new subsection: " (j)(1) The State agency charged with the administration of the State law shall establish and utilize a system of profiling all new claimants for regular compensation that— " (A) identifies which claimants will be likely to exhaust regular compensation and will need job search assistance services to make a successful transition to new employment; "(B) refers claimants identified pursuant to subparagraph (A) to reemployment services, such as job search assistance services, available under any State or Federal law; "(C) collects follow-up information relating to the services received by such claimants and the employment outcomes for such claimants subsequent to receiving such services and utilizes such information in making identifications pursuant to subparagraph (A); and "(D) meets such other reqmrements as the Secretary of Labor determines are appropriate. "(2) Whenever the Secretary of Labor, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency charged with the administration of the State law, finds that there is a failure to comply substantially with the requirements of paragraph (1), the Secretary of Labor shall notify such State agency that further pa3nnents will not be made to the State until ne is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure. Until the Secretary of Labor is so satisfied, he shall make no further certification to the Secretary of the Treasury with re8]>ect to such State.". (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT. —Section 304(a)(2) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking "or (i)" and inserting 42 USC 504. morO)". (b) PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT. —Section 303(a) of the Social Security Act is amended— (1) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting "; and", and