Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/583

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PUBLIC LAW 103-158—NOV. 24, 1993 107 STAT. 1535 Whereas 15 active duty members and at least 10 veterans of the United States Armed Forces and members of their families were among those who lost their lives in this tragedy; Whereas the terrorist bombing of Flight 103 was unquestionably an attack on the United States; Whereas a memorial cairn honoring the victims of the bombing of Flight 103 has been donated to the people of the United States by the people of Scotland; Whereas a small, vacant plot of land, unsuitable for gravesites, has been located in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia; and Whereas Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, is a fitting and appropriate place for a memorisd in honor of those who perished in the Flight 103 bombing: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the President is authorized and requested to place in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, a memorial cairn, donated by the people of Scotland, honoring the 270 victims of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 who died on December 21, 1988, over Lockerbie, Scotland. Approved November 24, 1993. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S.J. Res. 129: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 139 (1993): Nov. 8, considered and passed Senate. Nov. 16, considered and passed House.