Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/602

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107 STAT. 1554 PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 Sec. 842. Prohibition on award of certain Department of Defense and Department of Energy contracts to entities controlled by a foreign government. Sec. 843. Reports by defense contractors of dealings with terrorist countries. Sec. 844. Departmentof Defense purchases through other agencies. Sec. 845. Authority of the Advanced Research Projects Agency to carry out certain prototype projects. Sec. 846. Improvement of pricing policies for use of msoor range and test facility installations of the military departments. Sec. 847. Contract bimdling. Sec. 848. Prohibition on competition between Department of Defense and small businesses for certain maintenance contracts. Sec. 849. Buy American provisions. Sec. 850. Clarification to Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program ,.....,^^^: Act. TITLE DC—DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary of Defense Sec. 901. Enhanced position for Comptroller of Department of Defense. Sec. 902. Additional responsibilities of the Comptroller. Sec. 903. New position of Under Secretary of Ijefense for Personnel and Readiness. Sec. 904. Redesignation of positions of Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition. Sec. 905. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs. Sec. 906. Further conforming amendments to chapter 4 of title 10, United States Code. Sec. 907. Director of Operational Test and Evaluation. Subtitle B—Professional Military Education Sec. 921. Congressional findings concerning professional military education schools. Sec. 922. Authority for award by National Defense University of certain master of science degrees. Sec. 923. Authority to employ civilian faculty members at George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. Subtitle C—Joint Officer Personnel Policy Sec. 931. Revision of Goldwater-Nichols requirement of service in a joint duty assignment before promotion to general or flag grade. Sec. 932. Joint duty credit for certain duty performed during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Sec. 933. Flexibility for required post-education joint duty assignment. Subtitle D—Other Matters Sec. 941. Army Reserve Command. Sec. 942. Flexibility in administering requirement for annual four percent reduction in number of personnel assigned to headquarters and headquarters support activities. Sec. 943. Report on Department of Defense Bottom Up Review. Sec. 944. Repeal of termination of requirement for a Director of Expeditionary Warfare in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Sec. 945. CINC Initiative Fund. Subtitle E—Commission on Roles and Bfissions of the Armed Forces Sec. 951. Finding. Sec. 952. Establishment of Commission. Sec. 953. Duties of Commission. Sec. 954. Reports. Sec. 955. Powers. Sec. 956. Commission procedures. Sec. 957. Personnel matters. Sec. 958. Miscellaneous administrative provisions. Sec. 959. Payment of Commission expenses. Sec. 960. Termination of the Commission. TITLE X—ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1001. Annual environmental r^x>rts. Sec. 1002. Indemnification of transferees of closing defense property for releases of petroleum and petroleum derivatives. Sec. 1003. Shipboard plastic and solid waste control.