Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/650

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107 STAT. 1600 PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 (2) The report irnder paragraph (1) shall be submitted not later than May 30, 1994, and may be included in the next annual report on ballistic missile defenses submitted to Congress under section 224 of Public Law 101-189 (10 U.S.C. 2431 note). (b) ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED IN REPORT. — The report under subsection (a) shall include discussion of the following matters: (1) The proposed Limited Defense System architecture. (2) The systems and components to be developed to implement that architecture. (3) The extent to which those systems and components can be developed during the period referred to in subsection (a), assuming annual funding for the Limited Defense System averaging $600,000,000 per year. (4) The additional funding required and the additional time required after fiscal year 1999 in order for initial deploy- ment of a limited, ABM-Treaty-compliant capability at a single site to be implemented. (5) The variations in both required funding and required time after fiscal year 1999 for the same initial deplojonent to be implemented— (A) if funding for a Limited Defense System during fiscal years 1995 through 1999 averages $750,000,000 per year; and (B) if funding for a Limited Defense System during fiscal years 1995 through 1999 averages $450,000,000 per year. (6) The extent to which missile defense technologies and components that are developed for Theater Missile Defense systems to be deployed before fiscal year 2000 can reduce the development costs and lead-times for development and deployment of a Limited Defense System. (7) The extent to which acquisition streamlining can be applied to the development of a Limited Defense System. (8) The extent to which the testing and simulation infrastructure, the level of engineering and technical support, the extensive reliance on studies and analyses by contractors, and the substantial use of outside contractors for systems engineering and technical analysis which the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization has inherited from the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization can be reduced given the re-evaluation of the Ballistic Missile Defense program that has emerged from the Bottom-Up Review of the Secretary of Defense which was conducted during 1993. (9) Such other matters as the Secretary considers importent. SEC. 237. THEATER AND LIMITED DEFENSE SYSTEM TESTING. (a) TESTING OF THEATER MISSILE DEFENSE INTERCEPTORS.— Except for the acquisition of those production representative missiles required for the completion of developmental and operational testing, the Secretary of Defense may not approve a theater missile defense interceptor program proceeding into the Low-Rate Initial Production (Milestone IIIA) acquisition stage until the Secretary certifies to the congressional defense committees that more than two realistic live-fire tests, consistent with section 2366 of title 10, United States Code, have been conducted, the results of which demonstrate the achievement by the interceptors of the weapons