Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/690

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107 STAT. 1640 PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 Reports. President. 10 USC 115 note. SEC. 403. ARMY END STRENGTH. (a) TIMING OF REDUCTION. — The number of active duty members of the Army may not be reduced (from the number as of the date of the enactment of this Act) to a number below 555,000 until after April 30, 1994. (b) CONDITIONS ON REDUCTION,—After April 30, 1994, the number of active duty members of the Army may be reduced below 555,000 only if— (1) the Secretary of Defense has submitted to Congress a report setting forth in detail— (A) the method by which the force structure of the / Army in the Bottom Up Review was derived and the projected active duty end strength for the Army for each of fiscal years 1995 through 1999; (B) how the forces recommended in the Bottom Up Review for the Army for future fiscal years will be able to carry out the two major regional conflicts strategy; and (C) what effect peacekeeping operations, peace making operations, peace enforcing operations, disaster relief operations, and other operations other than war have on the ability of the Army to carry out the two major regional conflicts strategy; (2) the President (after receiving a report from the Secretary of the Army containing the assessment of the Secretary on the capabilities of the Army) has submitted to Congress a report— (A) containing a certification that the Army is capable of providing sufficient forces (excluding forces engaged in peacekeeping operations and other operations other than war) to carry out two major regional conflicts nearly simultaneously, in accordance with the National Military Strategy; (B) specifying the active Army units anticipated to deploy within the first 75 days in response to a major regional conflict that are at the time of the submission of the report engaged in peacekeeping operations and other operations other than war; and (C) containing the President's estimate of the time required to redeploy and retrain the forces specified in subparagraph (B) and subsequently to commit them to combat in a major regional contingency; and (3) the President has submitted the report on multinational peacekeeping and peace enforcement required by section 1502. (c) LIMITATION ON REDUCTIONS.— If the conditions specified in subsection (b) are met, the number of active duty members of the Army may not during fiscal year 1994 be reduced below the end strength for the Army specified in section 401. (d) CERTIFICATION UPON PARTICIPATION IN PEACETIME CONTIN- GENCY OPERATIONS.—Whenever, at a time when the number of active duty members of the Army is below 555,000, the President makes a decision to commit elements of the Army to (1) a peacekeeping operation, a peace making operation, or a peace enforcing operation, or (2) any other operation during peacetime that would require assignment of a large contingent of personnel or that would consume significant resources, the President shall submit to Congress a report containing a certification specified in subsection President. Reports.