Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/762

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107 STAT. 1712 PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 Secretary determines that the sale would be in the public interest. The proceeds of such a sale shall be credited to appropriations of the Department of Defense for the acquisition or petroleum, petroleum-related services, natural gas, or natural gas-related services. Amounts so credited shall be available for obligation for the same period as the appropriations to which the amounts are credited. ". (d) TECHNICAL AND CLERICAL AMENDMENTS. — (1) SUBSECTION CAPTIONS.— Section 2404 of title 10, United States Code, is amended— (A) in subsection (a), by inserting "WAIVER AUTHOR- ITY. —" after "(a)"; (B) in subsection (b), by inserting "SCOPE OF WAIVER. —" after "(b)"; and (C) in subsection (e), as redesignated by subsection (c)(l), by inserting "PETROLEUM DEFINED.— after "(e)". (2) SECTION HEADING. —The heading of such section is amended to read as follows: '^§ 2404. Acquisition of petroleum and natural gas: authority to waive contract procedures; acquisition by exchange; sales authorit3r^. SEC. 827. AMENDMENT OF RESEARCH AUTHORITIES. (a) AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT BASIC, ADVANCED, AND APPLIED RESEARCH. — Section 2358 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ^§ 2358. Research projects "(a) AUTHORITY.— The Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a military department may engage in basic, advanced, and applied research and development projects that— "(1) are necessary to the responsibilities of such Secretary's department in the field of basic, advanced, and applied research and development; and " (2) either— "(A) relate to weapons systems and other militery needs; or "(B) are of potential interest to such department. "(b) AUTHORIZED MEANS. — The Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a militery department may perform research and development projects— "(1) by contract, cooperative agreement, or other transaction with, or by grant to, educational or research institutions, private businesses, or other agencies of the United Stotes; "(2) by using employees and consultento of the Department of Defense; or "(3) through one or more of the militery departmente. "(c) REQUIREMENT OF POTENTIAL MILITARY INTEREST.—Funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or to a militery department may not be usea to finance any research project or study unless the project or study is, in the opinion of the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of that militery department, respectively, of potential interest to the Department of Defense or to such militery department, respectively.". (b) AUTHORITY RELATED TO ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS.— (1) REPEAL OF REDUNDANT AUTHORITY. —Section 2371 of such title is amended—