Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/160

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108 STAT. 134 PUBLIC LAW 103-227—MAR. 31, 1994 (1) building a national consensus for education improvement; (2) reporting on progress toward achieving the National Education Goals; and (3) reviewing the voluntary national content standards, voluntary national student performance standards and voluntary national opportunity-to-learn standards certified by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council, as well as the criteria for the certification of such standards, and the criteria for the certification of State assessments certified by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council, with the option of disapproving such standards and criteria not later than 90 days after receipt from such Council. 20 USC 5822. SEC. 202. NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS PANEL. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— There is established in the executive branch a National Education Goals Panel (hereafter in this title referred to as the "Goals Panel") to advise the President, the Secretary, and the Congress. (b) COMPOSITION.—The Goals Panel shall be composed of 18 members (hereafter in this part referred to as "members"), including— President. (1) 2 members appointed by the President; (2) 8 members who are Governors, 3 of whom shall be from the same political party as the President and 5 of whom shall be from the opposite political party of the President, appointed by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the National Governors' Association, with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson each appointing representatives of such Chairperson's or Vice Chairperson's respective political party, in consultation with each other; (3) 4 Members of the Congress, of whom— (A) 1 member shall be appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate from among the Members of the Senate; (B) 1 member shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate from among the Members of the Senate; (C) 1 member shall be appointed by the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives from among the Members of the House of Representatives; and (D) 1 member shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives from among the Members of the House of Representatives; and (4) 4 members of State legislatures appointed by the President of the National Conference of State Legislatures, of whom 2 shall be of the same political party as the President of the United States. (c) SPECIAL APPOINTMENT RULES. — (1) IN GENERAL.— The members appointed pursuant to subsection (b)(2) shall be appointed as follows: (A) If the Chairperson of the National Governors' Association is from the same political party as the President, the Chairperson shall appoint 3 individuals and the Vice Chairperson of such association shall appoint 5 individuals.