Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/274

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108 STAT. 248 PUBLIC LAW 103-227-MAR. 31, 1994 with the Federal Government are made available to such clearinghouses; and (C) devise an effective system for maximizing the identification, synthesis, and dissemination of information related to the needs of Indian and Alaska Native children. (5) COPYRIGHT PROHIBITED. — (A) No clearinghouse or other entity receiving assistance under this subsection may copyright or otherwise charge a royalty or other fee that— (i) is for the use or redissemination of any database, index, abstract, report, or other information produced with assistance under this subsection; and (ii) exceeds the incremental cost of disseminating such information. (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), the incremental cost of dissemination does not include any portion of the cost of collecting, organizing, or processing the information which is disseminated. (g) DISSEMINATION THROUGH NEW TECHNOLOGIES.— (1) IN GENERAL. — The Assistant Secretary is authorized to award grants or contracts in accordance with this subsection to support the development of materials, programs, and resources which utilize new technologies and techniques to synthesize and disseminate research and development findings and other information which can be used to support educational improvement. (2) ELECTRONIC NETWORKING.— (A) ELECTRONIC NETWORK.—The Assistant Secretary, acting through the Office of Reform Assistance and Dissemination, shall establish and maintain an electronic network which shall, at a minimum, link— (i) each office of the Department of Education; (ii) the Institutes established by section 931; (iii) the National Center for Education Statistics; (iv) the National Library of Education; and (v) entities engaged in research, development, dissemination, and technical assistance under grant from, or contract, or cooperative agreement with, the Department of Education. (B) CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR NETWORK.—The network described in subparagraph (A) shall— (i) to the extent feasible, build upon existing national, regional, and State electronic networks and support video, telecomputing, and interactive communications; (ii) at a minimum, have the capability to support electronic mail and file transfer services; (iii) be linked to and accessible to other users, including State and local education agencies, institutions of higher education, museums, libraries, and others through the Internet and the National Research and Education Network; and (iv) be provided at no cost (excluding the costs of necessary hardware) to the contractors and grantees described in clause (v) of subparagraph (A) and to educational institutions accessing such network