Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/284

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108 STAT. 258 PUBLIC LAW 103-227—MAR. 31, 1994 Grants. Contracts. Nonprofit organizations. facilitators, regional educational laboratories, and other components of the Office to utilize most effectively Federal research, development, and dissemination resources in implementing the community-wide plan. (8) APPLICATION FOR GRANTS.—Any eligible entity desiring a grant under this subsection shall submit an application to the Assistant Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Assistant Secretary may reasonably require. Each such application shall— (A) include a comprehensive plan for meeting the objectives and requirements of this subsection; and (B) provide evidence of support for the application from local elected officials, the State educational agency, the local educational agency, parents, local community leaders, businesses, and other appropriate organizations. (9) PRIORITY IN MAKING GRANTS; DURATION AND AMOUNT OF GRANT. —Each grant made under this subsection shall be— (A) awarded on a competitive basis, with first priority given to those applications from communities with the greatest percentage of school-age children in families with poverty-level incomes; (B) made for a 5-year period, with funding for the second and each succeeding year in such period conditioned upon a determination by the Assistant Secretary that the grant recipient has complied with the conditions of the grants during the previous year; and (C) an amount equal to not less than $1,000,000 per year. (10) LIMITATION OF ONE GRANT PER CONGRESSIONAL DIS- TRICT. —Not more than one grant under this subsection shall be awarded within a single congressional district. (11) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE; EVALUATIONS. — In administering the program authorized under this subsection, the Assistant Secretary shall, either directly or through grant or contract with an eligible nonprofit agency— (A) upon request, provide technical assistance to eligible entities to assist in the development of a comprehensive community-wide plan to meet the requirements of this subsection and in the preparation of applications for assistance; (B) regularly provide technical assistance to learning grant institutions receiving assistance under this subsection to assist with the development and implementation of the comprehensive community-wide plan for educational improvement; (C) provide for an independent evaluation of the activities assisted under this subsection, including— (i) the impact of the Goals 2000 Community Partnerships program on children and families within each community, including effects on the extent of educational achievement, rates of school retention and completion, and enrollment in postsecondary educational programs; and (ii) whether an intensified effort to apply and utilize educational research within a limited geographic area significantly improves student learning and achievement; and