Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/488

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108 STAT. 462 PUBLIC LAW 103-236—APR. 30, 1994 (A) by striking "$100,000" and inserting "$80,000"; and (B) by striking "$50,000" both places it appears and inserting '^$40,000. 22 USC 276e. (2) Section 2 of Public Law 86-42 is amended— (A) by striking "$60,000" and inserting "$70,000"; and (B) by striking "$25,000" both places it appears and inserting ' ^$35,000^ 22 USC 276 note. (b) DEPOSIT OF FUNDS IN INTEREST-BEARING ACCOUNTS.— Funds appropriated and disbursed pursuant to section 303 of Title III of Public Law 100-202 (101 Stat. 1329-23; 22 U.S.C. 276 note) are authorized to be deposited in interest-bearing accounts and any interest which accrues shall be deposited, periodically, in a miscellaneous account of the Treasury. SEC. 503. FOOD AS A HUMAN RIGHT. (a) THE RIGHT TO FOOD AND UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY. — (1) IN GENERAL.—The United States should, in accordance with its international obligations and in keeping with the longstanding humanitarian tradition of the United States, promote increased respect internationaly for the rights to food and to medical care, including the protection of these rights with respect to civilians and noncombatants during times of armed conflict (such as through ensuring safe passage of relief supplies and access to impartial himianitarian relief organizations providing relief assistance). (2) RESPONSIBILITIES OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE. — The responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary of State who is responsible for human rights and humanitarian affairs shall incluae promoting increased respect internationaly for the rights to food and to medical care m accordance with paragraph (1). (b) INTERNATIONAL EFFORT TO STRENGTHEN THE RIGHT TO FOOD.—It is the sense of the Congress that a msgor effort should be made to strengthen the right to food in international law to assure the access of all persons to adequate food supplies. SEC. 504. TRANSPARENCY IN ARMAMENTS. It is the sense of the Congress that— (1) no sale of any defense article or defense service should be made, no Ucense should be issued for the export of any defense article or defense service, and no agreement to transfer in any way any defense article or defense service should be made to any nation that does not fully furnish all pertinent data to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms pursuant to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/ 36L by the reporting date specified by such register; (2) if a nation has not submitted the required information by the reporting date of a particular year, but subsequently submits notification to the United Nations that it intends to provide such information at the next reporting date, an agreement may be negotiated with the nation or a license may be issued, but the actual delivery of such defense article or service should not occur until that nation submits such information; and (3) the President should seek to restart the United Nations Security Council "Perm-5" telks and should report to the Congress on the progress of such talks and the effects of United