Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/575

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PUBLIC LAW 103-238—APR. 30, 1994 108 STAT. 549 while such vessel is engaged in a fishery to which the authorization applies. "(E) Each owner of a vessel engaged in any fishery not listed under paragraph (1)(A)(i) or (ii), and the master and crew members of such a vessel, shall not be subject to the penalties set forth in this title for the incidental taking of marine mammals if such owner reports to the Secretary, in the form and manner required under subsection (e), instances of incidental mortality or injury of marine mammals in the course of that fishery. "(4)(A) The Secretary shall suspend or revoke an authorization granted under this section and shall not issue a decal or other physical evidence of the authorization for any vessel until the owner of such vessel complies with the reporting requirements under subsection (e) and such requirements to take on board an observer under paragraph (3)(B) as are applicable to such vessel. Previous failure to comply with the requirements of section 114 shall not bar authorization under this section for an owner who complies with the requirements of this section. "(B) The Secretary may suspend or revoke an authorization granted under this subsection, and may not issue a decal or other physical evidence of the authorization for any vessel which fails to comply with a take reduction plan or emergency regulations issued under this section. "(C) The owner and master of a vessel which fails to comply with a take reduction plan shall be subject to the penalties of sections 105 and 107, and may be subject to section 106. "(5)(A) The Secretary shall develop, in consultation with the appropriate States, affected Regional Fishery Management Councils, and other interested persons, the means by which the granting and administration of authorizations under this section shall be integrated and coordinated, to the maximum extent practicable, with existing fishery licenses, registrations, and related programs. "(B) The Secretary shall utilize newspapers of general circulation, fishery trade associations, electronic media, and other means of advising commercial fishen^en of the provisions of this section and the means by which they can comply with its requirements. "(C) The Secretary is authorized to charge a fee for the granting of an authorization under this section. The level of fees charged under this subparagraph shall not exceed the administrative costs incurred in granting an authorization. Fees collected under this subparagraph shall be available to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere for expenses incurred in the granting and administration of authorizations under this section. "(d) MONITORING OF INCIDENTAL TAKES. —(1) The Secretary shall establish a program to monitor incidental mortality and serious injury of marine mammals during the course of commercial fishing operations. The purposes of the monitoring program shall be to— "(A) obtain statistically reUable estimates of incidental mortality and serious injury; "(B) determine the reliability of reports of incidental mortality and serious injury under subsection (e); and "(C) identify changes in fishing methods or technology that may increase or decrease incidental mortaUty and serious iiyury. Newspapers. Trade associations. Electronic media.