Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/603

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PUBLIC LAW 103-239—MAY 4, 1994 108 STAT. 577 Groals 2000: Educate America Act, and to meet the requirements necessary to prepare a student for postsecondary education and the requirements necessary for a student to earn a skill certificate; (4) a program of instruction and curriculum that integrates academic and vocational learning (including applied methodologies and team-teaching strategies), and incorporates instruction, to the extent practicable, in all aspects of an industry, appropriately tied to the career major of a participant; (5) regularly scheduled evaluations involving ongoing consultation and problem solving with students and school dropouts to identify their academic strengths and weaknesses, academic progress, workplace knowledge, goals, and the need for additional learning opportunities to master core academic and vocational skills; and (6) procedures to facilitate the entry of students participating in a School-to-Work Opportunities program into additional training or postsecondary education programs, as well as to facilitate the transfer of the students between education and training programs. SEC. 103. WORK-BASED LEARNING COMPONENT. 20 USC 6113. (a) MANDATORY ACTIVITIES.— The work-based learning component of a School-to-Work Opportunities program shall include— (1) work experience; (2) a planned program of job training and work experiences (including training related to premployment and employment skills to De mastered at progressively higher levels) that are coordinated with learning in the school-based learning component described in section 102 and are relevant to the career majors of students and lead to the award of skill certificates; (3) workplace mentoring; (4) instruction in general workplace competencies, including instruction and activities related to developing positive work attitudes, and employability and participative skills; and (5) broad instruction, to the extent practicable, in all aspects of the industry. (b) PERMISSIBLE ACTIVITIES.—Such component may include such activities as paid work experience, job shadowing, schoolsponsored enterprises, or on-the-job training, SEC. 104. CONNECTING ACTIYITIES COMPONENT. 20 USC 6114. The connecting activities component of a School-to-Work Opportunities program shall include— (1) matching students with the work-based learning opportunities of employers; (2) providing, with respect to each student, a school site mentor to act as a liaison among the student and the employer, school, teacher, school administrator, and parent of the student, and, if appropriate, other community partners; (3) providing technical assistance and services to employers, including small- and medium-sized businesses, and other parties in— (A) designing school-based learning components described in section 102, work-based learning components described in section 103, and counseling and case management services; and