Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/618

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108 STAT. 592 PUBLIC LAW 103-239—MAY 4, 1994 Subtitle C—Development and Implementation Grants for Sehool-to-Work Programs for Indian Youths 20 USC 6161. SEC. 221. AUTHORIZATION. (a) IN GENERAL.— From amounts reserved under section 605(b)(2), the Secretaries shall provide grants to establish and carry out School-to-Work Opportunities programs for Indian youths that involve Bureau funded schools (as defined in section 1139(3) of the Education Amendments of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 2019(3))). (b) ADDITIONAL AUTHORITIES. — The Secretaries may carry out subsection (a) through such means as the Secretaries find appropriate, including— (1) the transfer of funds to the Secretary of the Interior; and (2) the provision of financial assistance to Indian tribes and Indian organizations. 20 USC 6162. SEC. 222. REQUIREMENTS. In providing grants under section 221, the Secretaries shall require recipients of such grants to comply with requirements similar to those requirements imposed on States under subtitles A and B of this title. urb^ and rural TITLE III—FEDERAL IMPLEMENTATION areas. cMidren and GRANTS TO LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS 20 USC 6171. SEC. 301. PURPOSES. The purposes of this title are— (1) to authorize the Secretaries to provide competitive grants directly to local partnerships in order to provide funding for communities that have built a sound planning and development base for School-to-Work Opportunities programs and are ready to begin implementing a local School-to-Work Opportunities program; and (2) to authorize the Secretaries to provide competitive g-ants to local partnerships to implement School-to-Work pportunities programs in nigh poverty areas of urban and rural communities to provide support for a comprehensive range of education, training, and support services for youths residing in such areas. 20 USC 6172. SEC. 302. AUTHORIZATION. (a) GRANTS TO LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS. — (1) IN GENERAL.— Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretaries may provide implementation grants, in accordance with competitive criteria established by the Secretaries, directly to local partnerships in States in such amounts as the Secretaries determine to be necessary to enable such partnerships to implement School-to-Work Opportunities programs. (2) RESTRICTIONS.— A local partnership— (A) shall be eligible to receive only 1 grant under this subsection; and