Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/620

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108 STAT. 594 PUBLIC LAW 103-239—MAY 4, 1994 (4) designates a fiscal agent to receive and be accountable for funds under this section; and (5) provides such other information as the Secretaries may require. (d) USE OF FUNDS FOR REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS. —The Secretaries may use amounts reserved under section 605(b)(4) for the review of applications submitted under subsection (a). 20 USC 6174. SEC. 304. USE OF AMOUNTS. The Secretaries may not provide an implementation grant under section 302 to a local partnership unless the partnership agrees that it will use all amounts from such grant to carry out activities. to implement a School-to-Work Opportunities program, including the activities described in section 215(b)(4). 20 USC 6175. SEC. 305. CONFORMITY WITH APPROVED STATE PLAN. The Secretaries shall not provide a grant under section 302 to a local partnership in a State that has an approved State plan unless the Secretaries determine, after consultation with the State, that the plan submitted by the partnership is in accordance with such approved State plan. 20 USC 6176. SEC. 306. REPORTS. The Secretaries may not provide an implementation grant under section 302 to a local partnership unless the partnership agrees that the local partnership will submit to the Secretaries such reports as the Secretaries may reasonably require, relating to the use of amounts from such grant, except that the Secretaries may not require more than 1 such report during any 3-month period. 20 USC 6177. SEC. 307. HIGH POVERTY AREA DEFINED. For purposes of this title, the term "high poverty area" means an urban census tract, a contiguous group of urban census tracts, a block number area in a nonmetropolitan county, a contiguous group of block number areas in a nonmetropolitan county, or an Indian reservation (as defined in section 403(9) of the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act (25 U.S.C. 3202(9))), with a poverty rate of 20 percent or more among individuals who have not attained the age of 22, as determined by the Bureau of the Census. TITLE IV—NATIONAL PROGRAMS 20 USC 6191. SEC. 401. RESEARCH, DEMONSTRATION, AND OTHER PROJECTS. (a) IN GENERAL. — The Secretaries shall conduct research and development projects and establish a program of experimental and demonstration projects, to further the purposes of this Act. (b) ADDITIONAL USE OF FUNDS. —The Secretaries may provide assistance for programs or services authorized under any other provision of this Act that are most appropriately administered at the national level and that will operate in, or benefit, more than 1 State. Grants. SEC. 402. PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES AND EVALUATION. 20^1;^ 6192 (^^ ^^ GENERAL.— The Secretaries, in collaboration with the States, shall by grant, contract, or otherwise, establish a system