Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/713

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PUBLIC LAW 103-255—MAY 19, 1994 108 STAT. 687 (d) VESTING BY OPERATION OF LAW. —Subject to any easements or other rights of record that may be accepted and expressly disclaimed by the Secretary, and without limiting title to National Forest inholdings conveyed by the Counties pursuant to this Act, all other rights, title, and interest in or to such National Forest inholdings if not otherwise vested by quitclaim deed to the United States, shall vest in the United States on the date that is six ' years after the date of publication of the listing required by subsection (b) of this section, except for such title as is conveyed by the Counties, no other rights, title, or interest in or to any parcel of the lands conveyed to the United States pursuant to this Act shall vest in the United States under this subsection if title to such parcel— (1) has been or hereafter is adjudicated as being in a party other than the United States or the Counties; or (2) is the subject of any action or suit against the United States to vest such title in a party other than the United States or the Counties that is pending on the date six years after the date of publication of a listing required by subsection (b) of this section. (e) COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. — (1) At the discretion of the court, any party claiming right, title, or interest in or to any of the National Forest inholdings who files an action against the United States to quiet title and fails to prevail in such action may be required to pay to the Secretary on behalf of the United States, an amount equal to the costs and attorney's fees incurred by the United States in the defense of such action. (2) As a condition of any transfer of lands to the Counties under this Act, the Counties shall be obligated to reimburse the United States for 50 percent of all costs in excess of $240,000 not reimbursed pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection associated with the defense by the United States of any claim or legal action brought against the United States with respect to any rights, title, and interest in or to the National Forest inholdings. Payment shall be made in the same manner as provided in section 6 of this Act. SEC. 6. REIMBURSEMENT TO THE UNITED STATES. (a) IN GENERAL.— As a condition of any transfer of lands to the Counties under this Act, in addition to any amounts required to be paid to the United States pursuant to section 5(e), in the event of a final determination adverse to the United States in any action relating to the title to the National Forest inholdings, the United States shall be entitled to receive from the Counties reimbursement equal to the fair market value (appraised as if they had marketable title) of the lands that are the subject of such final determination. (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.— Any money received by the United States from the Counties under section 5(e) or subsection (a) of this section shall be considered money received and deposited pursuant to the Act of December 4, 1967, as amended (and commonly known as the Sisk Act, 16 U.S.C. 484a). (c) IN-KIND PAYMENT OF LANDS.— In lieu of monetary payments, any obligation for reimbursement by the Counties to the United States under this Act can be fulfilled by the conveyance to the United States of lands having a current fair market value equal