Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/123

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PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 108 STAT. 839 ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs and Appropriations of the Senate a report on— (1) obligations by State, designated recipient, and applicant made under this chapter during the quarter; (2) the balance of unobligated apportionments under this chapter on the last day of the quarter; (3) the balance of unobligated amounts under this chapter on the last day of the quarter that the Secretary may expend; (4) letters of intent issued during the quarter; (5) letters of intent outstanding on the last day of the quarter; and (6) grant contracts executed and reimbursement authority established for amounts obligated for each State, designated recipient, and applicant. (c) BIENNIAL NEEDS REPORT.— In January 1993 and in January of every 2d year after 1993, the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate a report containing an evaluation of the extent to which current mass transportation needs are addressed adequately and an estimate of the future mass transportation needs of the United States, including mass transportation needs in rural areas (particularly access to health care facilities). The report shall include— (1) an assessment of needs related to rail modernization, guideway modernization, replacing, rehabilitating, and buying buses and related equipment, constructing bus related facilities, and constructing new fixed guideway systems and extensions to existing fixed guideway systems; (2) a 5-year projection of maintenance and modernization needs resulting from aging of existing equipment and facilities, including the need to overhaul or replace existing bus fleets and rolling stock used on fixed guideway systems; (3) a 5-year projection of the need to invest in the expansion of existing mass transportation systems to meet changing economic, commuter, and residential patterns; (4) an estimate of the level of expenditure needed to satisfy the needs identified in clauses (l)-(3) of this paragraph; (5) an examination of existing Government, State, local, and private resources that are or reasonably can be expected to be made available to support public mass transportation; and (6) the gap between the level of expenditure estimated under clause (4) of this paragraph and the level of resources identified under clause (5) of this paragraph that are available to meet the needs. (d) BIENNIAL TRANSFERABILITY REPORT. —In January 1993 and in January of every 2d year after 1993, the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate a report on carrying out section 5307(b)(5) of this title. The report shall— (1) identify, by State, the amount of mass transportation money transferred for non-mass transportation purposes under section 5307(b)(5) of this title during the prior fiscal year;