Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/256

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108 STAT. 972 PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 design, or construction is approved by substantially similar resolutions by the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Environment and Public Works of the Senate. To obtain that approval, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a prospectus on the proposed facility. The prospectus shall include— (1) a brief description of the facility being planned, designed, or built; (2) the location of the facility; (3) an estimate of the maximum cost of the facility; (4) a statement identifying private and public agencies that will use the facility and the contribution each agency will make to the cost of the facility; and (5) a justification of the need for the facility. (d) INCREASING COSTS OF APPROVED FACILITIES.—The estimated maximum cost of a facility approved under subsection (c) of this section may be increased by an amount equal to the percentage increase in construction costs from the date the prospectus is submitted to Congress. However, the increase in the cost of the facility may not be more than 10 percent of the estimated maximum cost included in the prospectus. The Secretary shall decide what increase in construction costs has occurred. (e) AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION, PATENTS, AND DEVELOP- MENTS.— When the United States Government makes more than a minimal contribution to a research or development activity under this chapter, the Secretary shall include in the arrangement for the activity a provision to ensure that all information, patents, and developments related to the activity are available to the public. However, the owner of a background patent may not be deprived of a right under the patent. §30169. Annual reports (a) GENERAL REPORT. —The Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the President to submit to Congress on July 1 of each year a report on the administration of this chapter for the prior calendar year. The report shall include— (1) a thorough statistical compilation of accidents and injuries; (2) motor vehicle safety standards in effect or prescribed under this chapter; (3) the degree of observance of the standards; (4) a summary of current research grants and contracts and a description of the problems to be considered under those grants and contracts; (5) an analysis and evaluation of research activities completed and technological progress achieved; (6) enforcement actions; (7) the extent to which technical information was given the scientific community and consumer-oriented information was made available to the public; and (8) recommendations for legislation needed to promote cooperation among the States in improving traffic safety and strengthening the national traffic safety program. (b) REPORT ON IMPORTING MOTOR VEHICLES. —Not later than 18 months after regulations are first prescribed under section 2(e)(l)(B) of the Imported Vehicle Safety Compliance Act of 1988,