Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/380

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108 STAT. 1096 PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 (B) the commerce of the United States; and (C) the national defense. (2) encouraging and developing an integrated transportation system relying on competitive market forces to decide the extent, variety, quality, and price of services provided. (3) providing services without unreasonable discrimination, unfair or deceptive practices, or predatory pricing. (c) GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. —In carrying out subpart III of this part and those provisions of subpart IV applicable in carrying out subpart III, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall consider the following matters: (1) the requirements of national defense and commercial and general aviation. (2) the public right of freedom of transit through the navigable airspace. (d) SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS IN PUBLIC INTEREST.—In carrying out subpart III of this part and those provisions of subpart IV applicable in carrying out subpart III, the Administrator shall consider the following matters, among others, as being in the public interest: (1) regulating air commerce in a way that best promotes its development and safety and fulfills national defense requirements. (2) promoting, encouraging, and developing civil aeronautics. (3) controlling the use of the navigable airspace and regulating civil and military operations in that airspace in the interest of the safety and efficiency of both of those operations. (4) consolidating research and development for air navigation facilities and the installation and operation of those facilities. (5) developing and operating a common system of air traffic control and navigation for military and civil aircraft. (6) providing assistance to law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of laws related to regulation of controlled substances, to the extent consistent with aviation safety. (e) INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORTATION.— In formulating United States international air transportation policy, the Secretaries of State and Transportation shall develop a negotiating policy emphasizing the greatest degree of competition compatible with a well-functioning international air transportation system, including the following: (1) strengthening the competitive position of air carriers to ensure at least equality with foreign air carriers, including the attainment of the opportunity for air carriers to maintain and increase their profitability in foreign air transportation. (2) freedom of air carriers and foreign air carriers to offer prices that correspond to consumer demand. (3) the fewest possible restrictions on charter air transportation. (4) the maximum degree of multiple and permissive international authority for air carriers so that they will be able to respond quickly to a shift in market demand. (5) eliminating operational and marketing restrictions to the greatest extent possible. (6) integrating domestic and international air transportation.