Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/8

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VIU LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW 103-231.... To extend certain compliance dates for pesticide safety training and labeling requirements. 103-232.... To reauthorize and amend the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act, and for other purposes. 103-233.... Multifamily Housing Property Disposition Reform Act of 1994. 103-234.... To redesignate the Federal building located at 380 Trapelo Road in Waltham, Massachusetts, as the "Frederick C. Miuphy Federal Center". 103-235.... To extend until July 1, 1998, the exemption from ineligibility based on a hi^h default rate for certain institutions of higher education. 103-236.... Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995. 103-237.... To suspend temporarily the duty on the personal effects of participants in, and certain other inmviduals associated with, the 1994 World Cup Soccer Games, the 1994 World Rowing Championships, the 1995 Special Ol3anpics World Games, the 1996 Summer Olympics, and the 1996 Paraljmipics. 103-238.... Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994 103-239.... School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 103-240.... To amend title 38, United States Code, to extend eligibility for burial in national cemeteries to persons who have 20 years of service creditable for retired pay as members of a reserve component of the Armed Forces and to their dependents. 103-241.... To desi^ate the United States courthouse under construction in Denver, Colorado, as the "Byron White United States Courthouse". 103-242.... Rio Grande Designation Act of 1994 103-243.... To authorize appropriations for the Coastal Heritage Trail Route in the State of New Jersey, and for other purposes. 103-244.... Providing for the appointment of Frank Anderson Shrontz as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. 103-245.... Providing for the appointment of Manuel Luis Ibanez as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. 103-246.... To desi^ate the week of May 2 through May 8, 1994, as "Public Service Recognition Week". 103-247.... To make certain technical corrections, and for other purposes. 103-248.... Farmers Home Administration Improvement Act of 1994 103-249.... To designate the Federal building located at 711 Washington Street in Boston, Massachusetts, as the "Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging". 103-250.... To authorize the President to proclaim September 1994 as "Classical Music Month". 103-251.... Designating May 1, 1994, through May 7, 1994, as "National Walking Week". 103-252.... Human Services Amendments of 1994 103-253.... Clear Creek County, Colorado, Public Lands Transfer Act of 1993. 103-254.... Arson Prevention Act of 1994 103-255.... To provide for a land exchange between the Secretary of Agriculture and Eagle and Pitkin Counties in Colorado, and for other purposes. DATE PAGE Apr. 6, 1994 333 Apr. 11, 1994 336 Apr. 11, 1994 342 Apr. 14, 1994 380 Apr. 28, 1994 381 Apr. 30, 1994 382 Apr. 30, 1994 530 Apr. 30, 1994 532 May 4, 1994 568 May 4, 1994 609 May 4, 1994 610 May 4, 1994 611 May 4, 1994 613 May 4, 1994 614 May 4, 1994 615 May 4, 1994 616 May 6, 1994 618 May 11, 1994 619 May 16, 1994 620 May 16, 1994 621 May 16, 1994 622 May 18, 1994 623 May 19, 1994 674 May 19, 1994 679 May 19, 1994 684