Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/105

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PUBLIC LAW 103-322—SEPT. 13, 1994 108 STAT. 1857 Subtitle H—Police Recruitment SEC. 30801. GRANT AUTHORITY. 42 USC 13811. (a) GRANTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— The Attorney General may make grants to qualified community organizations to assist in meeting the costs of qualified programs which are designed to recruit and retain applicants to police departments. (2) CONSULTATION WITH THE OUNCE OF PREVENTION COUN- CIL. —The Attorney General may consult with the Ounce of Prevention Council in making grants under paragraph (1). (b) QUALIFIED COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS. — An organization is a qualified community organization which is eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a) if the organization— (1) is a nonprofit organization; and (2) has training and experience in— (A) working with a police department and with teachers, counselors, and similar personnel, (B) providing services to the community in which the organization is located, (C) developing and managing services and techniques to recruit individuals to become members of a police department and to assist such individuals in meeting the membership requirements of police departments, (D) developing and managing services and techniques to assist in the retention of applicants to police departments, and (E) developing other programs that contribute to the community. (c) QUALIFIED PROGRAMS.—^A program is a qualified program for which a grant may be made under subsection (a) if the program is designed to recruit and train individuals from underrepresented neighborhoods and localities and if— (1) the overall design of the program is to recruit and retain applicants to a police department; (2) the program provides recruiting services which include tutorial programs to enable individuals to meet police force academic requirements and to pass entrance examinations; (3) the program provides counseling to applicants to police departments who may encounter problems throughout the application process; and (4) the program provides retention services to assist in retaining individuals to stay in the application process of a police department. (d) APPLICATIONS. —To qualify for a grant under subsection (a), a qualified organization shall submit an application to the Attorney General in such form as the Attorney General may prescribe. Such application shall— (1) include documentation from the applicant showing— (A) the need for the grant; (B) the intended use of grant funds; (C) expected results from the use of grant funds; and (D) demographic characteristics of the population to be served, including age, disability, race, ethnicity, and languages used; and