Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/204

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108 STAT. 1956 PUBLIC LAW 103-322—SEPT. 13, 1994


42 USC 3796ii. "SEC. 2201. GRANT AUTHORTTY. 'The Attorney General may make grants to States, State courts, local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments, acting directly or through agreements with other public or private entities, for programs that involve— "(1) continuing judicial supervision over offenders with substance abuse problems who are not violent offenders; and "(2) the integrated administration of other sanctions and services, which shall include— "(A) mandatory periodic testing for the use of controlled substances or other addictive substances during any period of supervised release or probation for each participant; "(B) substance abuse treatment for each participant; "(C) diversion, probation, or other supervised release involving the possibility of prosecution, confinement, or incarceration based on noncompliance with program requirements or failure to show satisfactory progress; and "(D) programmatic, offender management, and aftercare services such as r'^lapse prevention, health care, education, vocational training, job placement, housing placement, and child care or other family support services for each participant who requires such services. 42 USC 3796irl. "SEC. 2202. PROHffilTION OF PARTICIPATION BY VIOLENT OFFENDERS. "The Attorney General shall— Regulations. "(1) issue regulations and guidelines to ensure th^t the grograms authorized in this part do not permit participation y violent offenders; and "(2) immediately suspend funding for any grant under this part, pending compliance, if the Attorney General finds that violent offenders are participating in any program funded under this part. 42 USC 3796ii-2. "SEC. 2203. DEFINITION. "In this part, 'violent offender* means a person who— "(1) is charged with or convicted of an offense, during the course of which offense or conduct— "(A) the person carried, possessed, or used a firearm or dangerous weapon; "(B) there occurred the death of or serious bodily injury to any person; or "(C) there occurred the use of force against the person of another, without regard to whether any of the circumstances described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) is an element of the offense or conduct of which or for which the person is charged or convicted; or "(2) has one or more prior convictions for a felony crime of violence involving the use or attempted use of force against a person with the intent to cause death or serious bodily harm. 42 USC 3796ii-3. "SEC. 2204. ADMINISTRATION. "(a) CONSULTATION.—The Attorney General shall consult with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other appropriate officials in carrying out this part.