Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/292

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108 STAT. 2044 PUBLIC LAW 103-322—SEPT. 13, 1994 selected under paragraph (1)(A)) shall act as chief of the Task Force. "(3) SELECTION.—(A) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall select the chief of the Task Force. "(B) The heads of the agencies described in paragraph (1) shall submit to the chief of the Task Force a list of at least 5 prospective Task Force members, and the chief shall select 2, or such greater number as may be agreeable to an agency head, as Task Force members. " (4) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS. — The members of the Task Force shall be law enforcement personnel selected for their expertise that would enable them to assist in the investigation of cases of missing and exploited children. "(5) STATUS.—^A member of the Task Force shall remain an employee of his or her respective agency for all purposes (including the purpose of performance review), and his or her service on the Task Force shall be without interruption or loss of civil service privilege or status gmd shall be on a nonreimbursable basis. "(6) PERIOD OF SERVICE. —(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), 1 member from each agency shall initially serve a 1-year term, and the other member from the same agency shall serve a 1-year term, and may be selected to a renewal of service for 1 additional year; thereafter, each new member to serve on the Task Force shall serve for a 2-ye2ir period with the member's term of service beginning and ending in alternate years with the other member from the same agency; the period of service for the chief of the Task Force shall be 3 years. "(B) The chief of the Task Force may at any time request the head of an agency described in paragraph (1) to submit a list of 5 prospective Task Force members to replace a member of the Task Force, for the purpose of maintaining a Task Force membership that will be able to meet the demands of its caseload. "(c) SUPPORT. — "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator of the General Services Administration, in coordination with the heads of the agencies described in subsection (b)(1), shall provide the Task Force office space and administrative and support services, such office space to be in close proximity to the office of the Center, so as to enable the Task Force to coordinate its activities with that of the Center on a day-to-day basis. "(2) LEGAL GUIDANCE. —The Attorney General shall assign an attorney to provide legal guidance, as needed, to members of the Task Force. " (d) PURPOSE.— "(1) IN GENERAL.The purpose of the Task Force shall be to make available the combined resources and expertise of the agencies described in paragraph (1) to assist State and local governments in the most difficult missing and exploited child cases nationwide, as identified by the chief of the Task Force from time to time, in consultation with the Center, and as many additional cases as resources permit, including the provision of assistance to State and local investigators on location in the field. "(2) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The role of the Task Force in any investigation shall be to provide advice and technical