Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/393

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PUBLIC LAW 103-322—SEPT. 13, 1994 108 STAT. 2145 (e) ELIMINATION OF ERRONEOUS CHARACTERIZATION OF MATTER INSERTED. —Section 225(a) of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by striking "new rule". (f) CLARIFICATION OF PLACEMENT OF AMENDMENT. —Section 1205(c) of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by inserting "at the end" after "adding". (g) ELIMINATION OF DUPLICATE AMENDMENT.— Section 1606 of Public Law 101-647 (amending section 1114 of title 18, United States Code) is repealed effective as of the date of enactment of that section. (h) ERROR IN AMENDMENT PHRASING.— Section 3502 of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by striking "10" and inserting "ten". (i) CLARIFICATION THAT AMENDMENTS WERE TO TITLE 18.— Sections 3524, 3525, and 3528 of Public Law 101-647 are each amended, effective as of the date on which those sections took effect, by inserting "of title 18, United States Code" before "is amended", (j) CORRECTION OF PARAGRAPH REFERENCE. — Section 3527 of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by striking "4th" and inserting "5th". (k) REPEAL OF OBSOLETE TECHNICAL CORRECTION TO SECTION 1345.—Section 3542 of Public Law 101-647 is repealed, effective as of the date of its enactment. (1) REPEAL OF OBSOLETE TECHNICAL CORRECTION TO SECTION 1956.—Section 3557(2)(E) of Public Law 101-647 is repealed, effective as of the date of its enactment. (m) CLARIFICATION OF PLACEMENT OF AMENDMENTS. —Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date of its enactment— (1) in section 3564(1) by inserting "each place it appears" after the quotation mark jfollowing "2251" the first place it appears; and (2) in section 3565(3)(A) by inserting "each place it appears" after the quotation mark following "subchapter". (n) CORRECTION OF WORD QUOTED IN AMENDMENT.— Section 3586(1) of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by striking "fines" and inserting "fine". (o) ELIMINATION OF OBSOLETE TECHNICAL AMENDMENT TO SEC- TION 4013. —Section 3599 of Public Law 101-647 is repealed, effective as of the date of its enactment. (p) CORRECTION OF DIRECTORY LANGUAGE.—Section 3550 of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by striking "not more than". (q) REPEAL OF DUPLICATE PROVISIONS. — (1) Section 3568 of Public Law 101-647 is repealed, effective as of the date on which that section took effect. (2) Section 1213 of Public Law 101-647 is repealed, effective as of the date on which that section took effect. (r) CORRECTION OF WORDS QUOTED IN AMENDMENT.— Section 2531(3) of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect, by striking "1679(c)(2)" and inserting "1679a(c)(2)". (s) FORFEITURE.—(1) Section 1401 of Public Law 101-647 is amended, effective as of the date on which that section took effect— 8 USC 3509. 8 USC 402. 8 USC 1114. 8use 3. 8 USC 922-924. 8 USC 924. 8 USC 1345. 8 USC 1956. 8 USC 2253. 8 USC 2254. 8 USC prec. 3571. 8 USC 4013. 8 USC 1546. 8 USC 2516. 8 USC 3289. 8 USC 2516. 8 USC 982.