Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/53

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PUBLIC LAW 103-322—SEPT. 13, 1994 108 STAT. 1805 TITLE XXVII—PRESIDENTIAL SUMMIT ON VIOLENCE AND NATIONAL COMMISSION ON CRIME PREVENTION AND CONTROL Sec. 270001. Presidential siunmit. Sec. 270002. Establishment; committees and task forces; representation. Sec. 270003. Purposes. Sec. 270004. Responsibilities of the Conrniission. Sec. 270005. Administrative matters. Sec. 270006. Staff and support services. Sec. 270007. Powers. Sec. 270008. Report; termination. Sec. 270009. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE XXVIII—SENTENCING PROVISIONS Sec. 280001. Imposition of sentence. Sec. 280002. Technical amendment to mandatory conditions of probation. Sec. 280003. Direction to United States Sentencing Commission regarding sentencing enhancements for hate crimes. Sec. 280004. Authorization of probation for petty offenses in certain cases. Sec. 280005. Full-time vice chairs of the Umted States Sentencing Commission. Sec. 280006. Cocaine penalty study. TITLE XXIX—COMPUTER CRIME Sec. 290001. Computer Abuse Amendments Act of 1994. TITLE XXX—PROTECTION OF PRIVACY OF INFORMATION IN STATE MOTOR VEHICLE RECORDS Sec. 300001. Short title. Sec. 300002. Prohibition on release and use of certain personal information from State motor vehicle records. Sec. 300003. Effective date. TITLE XXXI—VIOLENT CRIME REDUCTION TRUST FUND Sec. 310001. Creation of Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund. Sec. 310002. Conforming reduction in discretionary spending limits. Sec. 310003. Extension of authorizations of appropriations ror fiscal years for which the full amount authorized is not appropriated. Sec. 310004. Flexibility in making of appropriations. TITLE XXXII—MISCELLANEOUS Subtitle A—Increases in Penalties Sec. 320101. Increased penalties for assault. Sec. 320102. Increased penalties for manslaughter. Sec. 320103. Increased penalties for civil rights violations. Sec. 320104. Penalties for trafficking in counterfeit goods and services. Sec. 320105. Increased penalty for conspiracy to commit murder for hire. Sec. 320106. Increased penalties for arson. Sec. 320107. Increased penalties for drug traSicking near public housing. Sec. 320108. Task force and criminal penalties relating to the introduction of nonindigenous species. Sec. 320109. Military medals and decorations. Subtitle B—Extension of Protection of Civil Rights Statutes Sec. 320201. Extension of protection of civil rights statutes. Subtitle C—Audit and Report Sec. 320301. Audit requirement for State and local law enforcement agencies receiving Federal asset forfeiture funds. Sec. 320302. Report to Congress on administrative and contracting expenses. Subtitle D—Coordination Sec. 320401. Coordination of substance abuse treatment and prevention programs. Subtitle E—Gambling Sec. 320501. Clarifying amendment regarding scope of prohibition against gambling on ships in international waters. Subtitle F—White Collar Crime Amendments Sec. 320601. Receiving the proceeds of extortion or kidnapping.