Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/888

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108 STAT. 2640 PUBLIC LAW 103-335—SEPT. 30, 1994 Defense-Wide", $75,000,000 may only be obligated for projects selected as a result of a competition held by the Advanced Research Projects Agency in focus areas selected exclusively by the Assistant Secretaries for Research, Development, and Acquisition of the separate Military Departments: Provided further, That in addition to the restriction contained in the preceding provisos, the competition in focus areas shall be conducted in accordance with other unaffected statutory provisions of the Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance Amendments of 1993. SEC. 8097. None of the funds appropriated in this Act are available for development of bi-static active capability in SURTASS unless the acoustic signal processing for this capability is hosted exclusively on the AN/UYS-2 in the operational system. SEC. 8097A. (a) Not later than April 1, 1995, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Congressional defense committees a management plan for the major university-affiliated research centers which support the Department of Defense. (b) The master plan required by the preceding subsection shall— (1) establish annual funding and manpower ceilings for each institution, and a total annual funding and manpower ceiling; (2) describe in detail what specific actions are being taken to increase management of these institutions by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and to reduce future annual funding; and (3) explain the contracting arrangement with each institution, including an evaluation of whether contracts for future efforts should be competitively awarded. (c) For the purposes of this section, the term "major" shall apply to institutions which receive more than $2,000,000 annually from the Department of Defense. SEC. 8098. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be available for a contract for studies, analyses, or consulting services entered into without competition on the basis of an unsolicited proposal unless the head of the activity responsible for the procurement determines— (1) as a result of thorough technical evaluation, only one source is found fully qualified to perform the proposed work, or (2) the purpose of the contract is to explore an unsolicited proposal which offers significant scientific or technological promise, represents the product of origingJ thinking, and was submitted in confidence by one source, or (3) the purpose of the contract is to take advantage of unique and significant industrial accomplishment by a specific concern, or to insure that a new product or idea of a specific concern is given financial support: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to contracts in an amount of less than $25,000, contracts related to improvements of equipment that is in development or production, or contracts as to which a civilian official of the Department of Defense, who has been confirmed by the Senate, determines that the award of such contract is in the interest of the national defense.