Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/209

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PUBLIC LAW 103-337 —OCT. 5, 1994 108 STAT. 2843 determination of the denial or revocation, as well as the shortest and longest period in such cases. (3) For cases involving the suspension of a security clearance, the average period from the date of the initial determination and notification to the individual concerned of the suspension of the clear£ince to the date of the final determination of the suspension, as well as the shortest and longest period of such cases. (4) The number of cases in which a security clearance was suspended in which the resolution of the matter was the restoration of the security clearance, and the average period for such suspensions. (5) The number of cases (shown only for members of the Armed Forces and civilian officers and employees of the Department of Defense) in which an individual who had a security clearance denied or revoked remained a member of the Armed Forces or a civilian officer or employee, as the case may be, at the end of the fiscal year. (6) The number of cases in which an individual who had a security clearance suspended, and in which no final determination had been made, remained a member of the Armed Forces, a civilian officer or employee, or an employee of a contractor, as the case may be, at the end of the fiscal year. (7) The number of cases in which an appeal was made from a final determination to deny or revoke a security clear- Eince and, of those, the number in which the appeal resulted in the granting or restoration of the security clearance. SEC. 1042. REPORT ON USE OF LOW-ENRICHED URANIUM AS FUEL FOR NAVAL NUCLEAR REACTORS. (a) REQUIREMENT OF REPORT. —Not later than June 1, 1995, the Secretary of the Navy shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report on the use of low-enriched uranium (instead of highly- enriched uranium) as fuel for naval nuclear reactors. (b) CONTENTS OF REPORT. —The report shall include an assessment of the following: (1) The advantages and disadvantages of the use of lowenriched uranium (instead of highly-enriched uranium) as fuel for naval nuclear reactors. (2) The effects of such use on the following: (A) Operating performance, ship displacement, and reactor core life, including the full range of plausible tradeoffs among operating performance, ship displacement, and reactor core life that may result from such use. (B) Construction costs and operating costs. (C) Naval fuel cycles. (D) Policies of the United States for the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, including the proposal of the President for a global ban on the production of fissile materials for weapons. (3) The implications of such use for current and future United States nuclear-powered naval vessels. (4) The complexity and effectiveness of safeguards under naval fuel cycles for low-enriched uranium in relation to the complexity and effectiveness of safeguards under naval fuel cycles for highly-enriched uranium.