Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/292

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108 STAT. 2926 PUBLIC LAW 103-337 —OCT. 5, 1994 as to arrive not later than the date on which the board convenes. The board shall give consideration to any timely communication under this section.

    • § 14107. Information furnished by the Secretary concerned

to promotion boards "(a) INTEGRITY OF THE PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD PROC- Regulations. ESS. — (1) The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations governing information furnished to selection boards convened under section 14101(a) of this title. Those regulations shall apply uniformly among the military departments. Any regulations prescribed by the Secretary of a military department to supplement those regulations may not take effect without the approval of the Secretary of Defense in writing. "(2) No information concerning a particular eligible officer may be furnished to a selection board except for the following: "(A) Information that is in the officer's official military personnel file and that is provided to the selection board in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to paragraph (1). "(B) Other information that is determined by the Secretary of the military department concerned, after review by that Secretary in accordance with standards and procedures set out in the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to paragraph (1), to be substantiated, relevant information that could reasonably and materially affect the deliberations of the promotion board. "(C) Subject to such limitations as may be prescribed in those regulations, information communicated to the board by the officer in accordance with this section, section 14106 of this title (including any comment on information referred to in subparagraph (A) regarding that officer), or other applicable law. "(D) A factual summary of the information described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) that, in accordance with the regulations prescribed pursuant to paragraph (1) is prepared by administrative personnel for the purpose of facilitating the work of the selection board. "(3) Information provided to a promotion board in accordance with paragraph (2) shall be made available to all members of the board and shall be made a part of the record of the board. Communication of such information shall be in a written form or in the form of an audio or video recording. If a communication is in the form of an audio or video recording, a written transcription of the recording shall also be made a part of the record of the promotion board. "(4) Paragraphs (2) and (3) do not apply to the furnishing of appropriate administrative processing information to the promotion board by an administrative staff designated to assist the board, but only to the extent that oral communications are necessary to facilitate the work of the board. "(5) Information furnished to a promotion board that is described in subparagraph (B), (C), or (D) of paragraph (2) may not be furnished to a later promotion board unless— "(A) the information has been properly placed in the official military personnel file of the officer concerned; or