Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/300

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108 STAT. 2934 PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 "(c) AUTHORITY TO LENGTHEN MINIMUM PERIOD IN GRADE, — The Secretary concerned may prescribe a period of service in grade for eligibility for promotion, in the case of officers to whom subsection (a) applies, or for eligibility for consideration for promotion, in the case of officers to whom subsection (b) applies, that is longer than the applicable period specified in that subsection, "(d) WAIVERS TO ENSURE TWO BELOW-THE-ZONE CONSIDER- ATIONS.—Subject to section 14307(b) of this title, the Secretary of the military department concerned may waive subsection (b) to the extent necessary to ensure that officers described in paragraph (1) of that subsection have at least two opportunities for consideration for promotion to the next higher grade as officers below the promotion zone,

  • '§ 14304. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: maximum years of service in grade

"(a) CONSIDERATION FOR PROMOTION WITHIN SPECIFIED TIMES.— (1) Officers described in paragraph (3) shall be placed in the promotion zone for that officer's grade and competitive category, and shall be considered for promotion to the next higher grade by a promotion board convened under section 14101(a) of this title, far enough in advance of completing the years of service in grade specified in the following table so that, if the officer is recommended for promotion, the promotion may be effective on or before the date on which the officer will complete those years of service. Maximum years of "Current Grade service in grade "First lieutenant or Lieutenant (junior grade) 5 years "Captain or Navy Lieutenant 7 years "Major or Lieutenant commander 7 years "(2) Paragraph (1) is subject to subsections (a), (b), and (c) of section 14301 of this title and applies without regard to vaceincies. "(3) Paragraph (1) applies to an officer who is on the reserve active-status list of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps and who holds a permanent appointment in the grade of first lieutenant, captain, or major as a reserve of the Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps, or to an officer on the reserve active-status list of the Navy in the grade of lieutenant (jimior grade), lieutenant, or lieutenant commander as a reserve of the Navy, and who, while holding that appointment, has not been considered by a selection board convened under section 14101(a) or 14502 of this title for promotion to the next higher grade. "(b) PROMOTION DATE. — An officer holding a permanent grade specified in the table in subsection (a) who is recommended for promotion to the next higher grade by a selection board the first time the officer is considered for promotion while in or above the promotion zone and who is placed on an approved promotion list established under section 14308(a) of this title shall (if not promoted sooner or removed from that list by the President or by reason of declination) be promoted, without regard to the existence of a vacancy, on the date on which the officer completes the maximum years of service in grade specified in subsection (a). The preceding sentence is subject to the limitations of section 12011 of this title. "(c) WAIVER AUTHORITY FOR NAVY AND MARINE CORPS RUNNING MATE SYSTEM.—If the Secretary of the Navy establishes promotion zones for officers on the reserve active-status list of the Navy or the Marine Corps Reserve in accordance with a running mate