Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/303

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PUBLIC LAW 103-337 —OCT. 5, 1994 108 STAT. 2937 "(3) The number of officers recommended for promotion from below the promotion zone does not increase the maximum number of officers that the board is authorized to recommend for promotion under subsection (a). ^§ 14308. Promotions: how made "(a) PROMOTION LIST. — When the report of a selection board convened under section 14101(a) or 14502 of this title is approved by the President, the Secretary of the military department concerned shall place the names of all officers selected for promotion within a competitive category on a single list for that competitive category, to be known as a promotion list, in the order of seniority of those officers on the reserve active-status list. "(b) PROMOTION; HOW MADE; ORDER.— (1) Officers on a promotion list for a competitive category shall be promoted in the manner specified in section 12203 of this title. "(2) Officers on a promotion list for a competitive category shall be promoted to the next higher grade in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the military department concerned. Except as provided in section 14311, 14312, or 14502(e) of this title or in subsection (d) or (e), promotions shall be made in the order in which the names of officers appear on the promotion list amd after officers previously selected for promotion in that competitive category have been promoted. "(3) Officers to be promoted to the grade of first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade) shall be promoted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the military department concerned. "(c) DATE OF RANK. —(1) The date of rank of an officer appointed to a higher grade under this section is determined under section 741(d)(2) of this title. "(2) Except as specifically authorized by law, a reserve officer is not entitled to additional pay or allowances if the effective date of the officer's promotion is adjusted to reflect a date earlier than the actual date of the officer's promotion. "(d) OFFICERS WITH RUNNING MATES. —An officer to whom a running mate system applies under section 14306 of this title and who is selected for promotion is eligible for promotion to the grade for which selected when the officer who is that officer's rurming mate becomes eligible for promotion under chapter 36 of this title. The effective date of the promotion of that officer shall be the same as that of the officer's running mate in the grade to which the running mate is promoted. "(e) ARMY RESERVE AND AIR FORCE RESERVE PROMOTIONS TO FILL VACANCIES.—Subject to this section and to section 14311(e) of this title, and under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the military department concerned— "(1) an officer in the Army Reserve or the Air Force Reserve who is on a promotion list as a result of selection for promotion by a mandatory promotion board convened under section 14101(a) of this title or a board convened under section 14502 or chapter 36 of this title may be promoted at any time to fill a vacancy in a position to which the officer is assigned; and "(2) an officer in the Army Reserve or the Air Force Reserve who is on a promotion list as a result of selection for promotion by a vacancy promotion board convened under section 14101(a)