Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/344

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108 STAT. 2978 PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 mobilized, and make the fullest practicable use of the Federal facilities vacated by mobilized units, consistent with approved joint mobilization plans. "(b) In this section, the term 'partial mobilization' means the mobilization resulting from action by Congress or the President, under any law, to bring units of any reserve component, and members not assigned to units organized to serve as units, to active duty for a limited expansion of the active armed forces. '*§ 10208. Annual mobilization exercise "(a) The Secretary of Defense shall conduct at least one major mobilization exercise each year. The exercise should be as comprehensive and as realistic as possible and should include the participation of associated active component and reserve component units. "(b) The Secretary shall maintain a plan to test periodically each active component and reserve component unit based in the United States and all interactions of such units, as well as the sustainment of the forces mobilized as part of the exercise, with the objective of permitting an evaluation of the adequacy of resource allocation and planning.

    • § 10209. Regular and reserve components: discrimination

prohibited "Laws applying to both Regulars and Reserves shall be administered without discrimination— "(1) among Regulars; "(2) among Reserves; and "(3) between Regulars and Reserves.

    • § 10210. Dissemination of information

"The Secretary of Defense shall require the complete and current dissemination, to all Reserves and to the public, of information of interest to the reserve components.

  • '§ 10211. Policies and regulations: participation of Reserve

officers in preparation and administration "Within such numbers and in such grades and assignments as the Secretary concerned may prescribe, each armed force shall have officers of its reserve components on active duty (other than for training) at the seat of government, and at headquarters responsible for reserve affairs, to participate in preparing and administering the policies and regulations affecting those reserve components. While so serving, such an officer is an additional number of any staff with which he is serving. '*§ 10212. Gratuitous services of officers: authority to accept "Notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, the Secretary of a military department may accept the gratuitous services of an officer of a reserve component under the Secretary's jurisdiction (other than an officer of the Army National Guard of the United States or the Air National Guard of the United States)— "(1) in the furtherance of the enrollment, organization, and training of that officer's reserve component or the Reserve Officers' Training Corps; or "(2) in consultation upon matters relating to the armed forces.