Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/429

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PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 108 STAT. 3063 SEC. 2835. LAND CONVEYANCE, FINLEY AIR FORCE STATION, FINLEY NORTH DAKOTA. (a) CONVEYANCE AUTHORIZED.—(1) Subject to subsection (c), the Secretary of the Air Force may convey, without consideration, to the City of Finley, North Dakota (in this section referred to as the "City"), with the consent of the City, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of real property consisting of approximately 12 acres, including improvements thereon, located 1.5 miles west of Finley, North Dakota, which has served as a support complex, recreational facilities, and housing facilities for the Finley Air Force Station and Radar Site, Finley, North Dakota. (2) The parcel of property to be conveyed under paragraph (1) shall include real property referred to in that paragraph that is the location of a housing complex, the location of a waste water treatment system, and the former site of a trailer court. (3) The purpose of the conveyance authorized under paragraph (1) is to encourage and facilitate economic redevelopment of Finley, North Dakota, following the closure of the Air Force Station and Radar Site. (b) CONDITION OF CONVEYANCE.—The conveyance required under subsection (a)(1) shall be subject to the condition that the City— (1) use the property and recreational facilities conveyed under that subsection for housing and recreation purposes; or (2) enter into an agreement with an appropriate public or private entity or person to sell or lease the property and facilities to that entity or person for such uses. (c) EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONVEYANCE.—The conveyance required under subsection (a)(1) shall occur, if at all, not earlier than January 1, 1995, and not later than June 30, 1995. (d) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. —The exact acreage and legal description of the real property to be conveyed under subsection (a)(1) shall be determined by a survey satisfactory to the Secretary. The cost of such survey shall be borne by the City. (e) ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. —The Secretary may require such additional terms and conditions in connection with the conveyance under subsection (a)(1) as the Secretary considers appropriate to protect the interests of the United States. SEC. 2836. LAND CONVEYANCE, CORNHUSKER ARMY AMMUNITION PLANT, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. (a) CONVEYANCE AUTHORIZED.— Subject to subsection (b), the Secretary of the Army may convey to the Hall County, NelDraska, Board of Supervisors (in this section referred to as the "Board"), or the designee of the Board, all right, title and interest of the United States in and to the real property, together with any improvements thereon, located in Hall County, Nebraska, that is the site of the Comhusker Army Ammunition Plant. (b) REQUIREMENT RELATING TO CONVEYANCE.— The Secretary may not carry out the conveyance authorized under subsection (a) until the Secretary completes any environmental restoration required with respect to the property to be conveyed. (c) UTILIZATION OF PROPERTY. —The Board or its designee, as the case may be, shall utilize the real property conveyed under