Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/44

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108 STAT. 2678 PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 Sec. 3603. Expenditures in accordance with other laws. Sec. 3604. Costs of educational services obtained in the United States. Sec. 3605. Special immigrant status of Panamanians employed by the United States in the former Canal Zone. SEC. 3. CONGRESSIONAL DEFENSE COMMITTEES DEFINED. For purposes of this Act, the term "congressional defense committees" means the Committees on Armed Services and the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives. DIVISION A—DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE I—PROCUREMENT Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations SEC. 101. ARMY. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 for procurement for the Army as follows: (1) For aircraft, $1,289,452,000. (2) For missiles, $818,709,000. (3) For weapons and tracked combat vehicles, $1,159,214,000. (4) For ammunition, $902,821,000. (5) For other procurement, $2,624,707,000. SEC. 102. NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. (a) NAVY. — Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 for procurement for the Navy as follows: (1) For aircraft, $4,491,845,000. (2) For weapons, including missiles and torpedoes, $2,076,625,000. (3) For shipbuilding and conversion, $5,619,897,000. (4) For other procurement, $3,287,487,000. (b) MARINE CORPS. —Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 for procurement for the Marine Corps in the amount of $403,410,000. (c) NAVY AND MARINE CORPS AMMUNITION.— Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for procurement of ammunition for Navy and the Marine Corps in the amount of $449,815,000. SEC. 103. AIR FORCE. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 for procurement for the Air Force as follows: (1) For aircraft, $6,489,467,000. (2) For missiles, $3,732,845,000. (3) For ammunition, $251,546,000. (4) For other procurement, $6,929,170,000. SEC. 104. DEFENSE-WIDE ACTIVITIES. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 for Defense-wide procurement in the amount of $1,891,371,000.