Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/462

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108 STAT. 3096 PUBLIC LAW 103-337 —OCT. 5, 1994 Reports. the duties of the positions involved, the Director shall notify the Secretary and Congress of that determination. (3) Upon receipt of a notification under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall— (A) take appropriate actions to appoint persons to positions under such authority in a manner consistent with such principles or to set rates of pay at levels that are appropriate for the qualifications and experience of the persons appointed and the duties of the positions involved; or (B) cease appointment of persons under such authority, (c) EPA STUDY.—(1) Upon the 50th appointment made by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B), the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, in consultation with the Secretary, shall conduct a study of the effects of the implementation of such subsection on the conduct of remedial actions at sites on the National Priorities List. (2) The study shall assess whether serious problems have resulted at any site on the National Priorities List from appointments made pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B) of persons whose employment, at the time of the appointment, involved remedial actions or other similar activities at the site. (3) For purposes of this subsection, a serious problem includes any of the following occurrences: (A) A significant delay or significant disruption of a schedule for completion of a remedial action at the site. (B) A significant escalation of the personnel costs for the remedial action. (C) A significant exacerbation of any shortage in the number of critical personnel at the site. (4) The Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary, shall submit to Congress a report on the study conducted under paragraph (1). The report shall be submitted not later than 30 days after the date upon which the Secretary has made the 50th appointment pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B), The Secretary may not make more than 50 such appointments until the submission of the report. (5) If, as a result of the study conducted under paragraph (1), the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary, determines that serious problems have resulted at any site on the National Priorities List from appointments made pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B), the Administrator and the Secretary shall jointly submit to Congress, together with the report referred to in paragraph (4), a plan to ameliorate the effects of those serious problems. Under the plan, the Administrator and the Secretary shall provide for— (A) a reduction in the rate at which persons are appointed pursuant to such subsection; (B) the making of appointments pursuant to such subsection of persons other than persons whose employment, at the time of the appointment, involved remedial actions or other similar activities at sites on the National Priorities List; or (C) any other effective alternative to appointing persons described in subparagraph (B) that the Administrator and the Secretary consider appropriate. (6) To carry out this section, the Secretary shall regularly provide to the Administrator the following information: (A) The relevant previous places of employment of each person appointed pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B).